14-Radagast the Brown

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Fili & Kili came up to me sitting beside me, while Bilbo decided to stretch his legs.
Fili: "Are you alright, Anya? You seem a little pale."
Anya: "I'm alright, thank you for asking. Its just I have been too many caves though but none such as foul as that one. Ugh! Definitely owned by trolls."
Kili:(Chuckling)"So it seems you never entered a troll's cave then?"
Anya:(Shaking my head)"Isn't it obvious? I went through all kinds of caves not only used by people & wild animals but also goblins & orcs."
Kili: "So Fili told me that you were angry when he told you about sending Bilbo to the trolls?"
Anya: "Of course I was. You two should've come straight to Thorin instead of taking the risk. He could have been killed, he maybe a burglar not an errand boy."
Fili: "We realize that now but surprisingly the hobbit turned out to be kind of resourceful. After the way he distracted the trolls before Gandalf arrived."
I could not help but smile at that, it was a progress soon I'm sure Bilbo shall make more friends.
Kili:(Clearing his throat)"So then that means we are forgiven then?"
Anya: "Pull a stunt like that again you won't be but for now you are forgiven."
They both looked at me with a huge smile, Kili then gave me a brotherly hug. As for Fili he just stood up placed his hand on my shoulder & lightly squeezed it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gandalf & the dwarfs exiting the cave. The wizard was holding something in his hand as he walked towards Bilbo. Curious to know what the others had discovered I walked towards them, in the distance I saw Thorin examining a sword, strange he already had one. I was heading towards him when I heard Bofur calling my name just as he walked towards me.
Bofur: "There ye are, lassie, feeling better already, eh? Listen ye cannot believe how much gold we found among the troll-hoard. We just buried a trunk full of gold in the ground for safe deposit just in case."(Chuckling, I could not help but smile)"Look what I found down there & it reminded me of yer pretty eyes, see almost the same color."
In his hand he held small brooch, it was encircled with small diamonds with a brown stone in the middle. Curiously I held it in my hand it shimmered against the sunlight almost making it appear golden. It was very pretty though I admit it, but I know how much the dwarfs love these kind of gems & precious metals they were of important value to them.
Anya: "I like it, very pretty but sorry I can't take it."
Bofur: "Nonsense, my dear, I insist you keep it as a token of friendship. From all of us, besides it'll look good on yer jacket."
Fili: "He is right, Anya, keep it as a gift. Here let me pin it for you."
A little flustered he took the brooch from my hand & pinned on the lapel of my jacket. Speechless but touched I could not refuse, its been a long time since anyone had given me a gift, Fili smiled at me endearingly as he stepped back & he slightly tugged at my jacket.
Fili: "See it really suits you, Anya!"
He kept gazing at me in an odd way making me slightly confused though, then the blond dwarf walked away to join his brother. Taking a deep breath I walked towards our leader, at first I assumed he was watching the whole thing & right now trying to act ignorant, nah, he could not be interested though, could he? I shrugged as I walked closer to him & he seem to straighten up a little as I came closer to him, my eyes on the sword in his hand.
Anya: "Mind if I take a look at the sword, Thorin? For a minute that is all!"
He seemed to hesitate at first then he handed it to me. As I was taught how examine a sword first by its weight, then by its shape of the blade & how to use it for combat. Father used to teach us these back then, he assumed I played with my dolls but secretly my ears were focused on what he was teaching my brothers. The sword was very light-weight due since by size its much bigger than my own twin elvish swords. Pulling it out of its sheath it shone brightly against the sunlight by its blade I could tell it was elvish make. Holding in my hands as I began swinging it about I could feel Thorin staring at me watching my every move but I was too occupied in my task to notice. After that I placed the sword back & handed it back to him.
Anya: "Hm, its a fine sword elvish-made, must have been forged by the elves of a high rank in Gondolin I believe. But I know someone who can give you the exact details."
Thorin did not comment on this, looking at him our eyes locked for a heated moment, I saw the corners of his mouth turning upwards as if in a smile. He had an odd expression in his eyes as he looked at me, making me blush. Clearing my throat for it had suddenly became parched. Awkward much?
Anya: "Uhm, is something the matter, Thorin?"
Thorin: "Hm? Nothing its just I could not help but admire the brooch Bofur gave you."
Anya:(Looking down)"Yes what about it?"
Thorin: "Well, it does match the color of your eyes...!"
Suddenly he stopped speaking & I noted he seemed tense, I looked about me as well even I could hear a slight commotion nearby. Thorin grabbed my arm & pushed me forward.
Thorin: "Somebody is coming, be on your guard!"
Gandalf: "Stay together! Arm yourselves, quickly."
Together the company moved in the opening, to intercept an enemy or a friend? Suddenly we heard snapping, cracking & breaking of tree branches, twigs & such, something was heading towards us at a top speed. Then we saw a sledge being pulled by 8 or 10 large rabbits with a small, bedraggled dressed man on it.
We had him surrounded weapons drawn out, before either of us moved towards him Gandalf intervened.
Gandalf: "Its Radagast, Radagast the Brown. What are you doing here?"
Radagast the Brown the fifth wizard Gandalf mentioned earlier, seriously?
Radagast the Brown: "I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something is wrong, something is terribly wrong."
Gandalf: "Yes?"
We all waited for this strange looking wizard to continue, he opened his mouth a couple of times but he seemed at a loss for words.
Radagast: "Just give me a minute. Oh, it was right there at the tip of my tongue now I lost it. No wait, its not a thought at all. its just a silly old stick insect."
He pulled out his tongue & Gandalf removed an insect from there & placed it on his hand. It made me wrinkle my nose, seriously. Ugh! I hate bugs if they don't crawl all over me that is. The two wizards stepped aside to talk, away from the group, must be something important but I decided not to intervene. But I was able to catch a few snippets about a necromancer & Dol Guldur? I was helping Bombur with the remaining supplies, Kili came up to me he was staring at the two wizards in the distance.
Kili: "What do you suppose are they talking about? They have been at it for an hour now."
Anya:(Shrugging my shoulders)"How would I know obviously something important to them, certainly not concerning us."
Kili: "So you even you have no idea what is going on? I mean you know Gandalf better than us."
Anya:(Sighing)"Not that well, as for what they are talking about? At this moment I wish my brother Aerof was here, he can lip-read, he tried to teach me. All I could catch was some kind of human magician or dark magic."
Suddenly we heard an eerie howling sound making us flinch, to me it sent a chill down my spine.
Bilbo: "Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?"
Bofur: "Wolf?!? No, that is no wolf."
And sure enough it wasn't just as I saw that creature leap towards Bifur I bent & grabbed my dagger threw it at the animal's neck causing it to flinch while Thorin finished it with his new-found sword. Then I saw Kili place an arrow on his bow & shot at another animal which was standing above Thorin, shocked he saw it fall & Dwalin killed it with his axe. What the...Warg scouts???

1466 words!

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