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The treats were ready so Emyra & myself carried the trays then we left the kitchen. I kept thinking what my friends had said about following my heart. Should I accept the feelings I have towards Thorin or not? Would he willingly return them, I had no idea.
Emyra: "Anya, are you alright? You seem upset about something? Is it because of the fact I told the others about, well you know!"
Anya:(Raising my eyebrow, amused)"About my almost 'first kiss'. Well, at first I was upset but then I deemed it as unimportant."
Emyra: "What? Why would you say that?"
Anya: "I suppose Thorin must have forgotten about it by now. It meant nothing."
Emyra: "I don't think that the dwarf would forget that easily, you did not see the look on his face as he began to glare at me. If looks could kill that is."
That made me stop in my tracks, I simply stared at her & Emyra smiled at me knowingly.
Emyra: "Believe me, Anya, he seemed pretty angry that I had intervened like that. He really is pretty much taken by you"
The sting I felt in my heart when I assumed Thorin would forget, but when Emyra confirmed the opposite made my heart soar. Seeing my serene face, she laughed slightly, Emyra gave me a one armed hug. Blushing slightly we moved on. The company soon turned their attention towards us as soon as they caught the scent of the food. Thorin & Balin were standing a little bit aside but they also came closer. I wonder if Thorin remembered the same snack we shared back before the whole trolls incident?
Anya: "Alright, gentlemen, I have made these snacks for everyone for the road. There is enough for all of you, each of you shall have two rolls. Thorin you do remember this don't you?"
He must have for as soon as I placed the tray down he came over & picked one. Bilbo came over as well to pick one, he looked closely at it smiling.
Bilbo: "Wow, this smells amazing, Anya. Must taste good too, I can hardly wait to try them. You won't mind giving me the recipe would you?"
Before I could reply I heard a slight squeal behind me upon turning I saw the dwarfs crowding towards Emyra. Seriously? I placed my fingers towards my mouth & whistled as loudly as possible to get their attention. Unladylike I know but it was necessary. The dwarfs not only covered their ears but also stared at me in shock, Oin even dropped his hearing aid his mouth agape but I was too upset to care.
Bilbo: "Ow! Jeez, for someone who looks this fragile can whistle that loud, Miss Anya Hadin?"
Anya:(Hands on my hips glaring at the group)"Just be grateful my mother is not here, Master Baggins. Hers was the loudest, yes she taught me. She had 5 brothers & many male cousins & it helped. As for you lot back up."
Fuming, I shooed them away from my friend who looked definitely flustered. I could also tell that Thorin seemed confused.
Anya: "You are frightening the poor girl, oi, Bombur, drop that at once."
I lightly smacked at the plump dwarf's hand who tried to nab the food, soon the dwarfs backed off. Fili & Kili began snickering at this but I grabbed each of them by their ears just to reprimand them.
Kili: "Ow! Ow! C'mon, Anya, we didn't mean anything by it."
Fili:(Rubbing his ear as I released him)"Kili is right, what is with the ear-pulling, only our mother used to do that to us when Kili & I were younger."
But upon my glaring shut them up, I hope that Thorin did not mind my behavior towards his nephews. I turned my head towards Thorin but he just stood there smiling at what was happening around him. For some reason seeing him smile like that managed to calm me.
Anya: "Just don't do anything like this again, now remember these may last a few days & as for the rest I shall carry them with me."
I began placing two of the rolled meals in each of the dwarf's belongings, they can be quite zealous when it comes to good food. Next I handed a couple to Bilbo to place them in his. Then I saw Dwalin walk towards Thorin & Balin.
Dwalin: "Thorin, the others have agreed that we shall leave for the journey before dawn."
Anya:(Disappointed, frowning)"What we are going to leave so soon?"
Dwalin:(Folding his burly arms, smirking)"Aye, lass, what with the Durin's Day drawing near its best we ought to cover tracks faster. We must get to the mountain before then!"
Seriously, I rolled my eyes at what he said. Thank you, Mr. Obvious, of course I did not say it out loud. Not to get on his bad side that is. At the corner of my eye I caught Thorin nudge Dwalin at his side, glaring at him, what was that all about?
Thorin:(Clearing his throat)"Right, we shall be leaving this place before dawn. Anya, pack your things & then meet us by the bridge, understood!"
Anya:(Raising my eyebrows)"Pack? Who said anything about unpacking since I hadn't. I shall join you gentlemen before you could say the word Erebor."
At that I gracefully curtisied before them & turned to leave. Not missing the way Thorin drop his jaw slightly as he stood there staring at my back. I may not have ears like an elf for I could hear Dwalin snickering.
Dwalin: "She is quite spunky, ain't she? I'm beginning to like her even more! She is not that bad!"
I blushed lightly at what I heard, wow so I managed to score some points to be on Dwalin's good books?
Smiling at my achievment, I went up the stairs but soon I sensed someone else by my side. I almost yelped seeing the hobbit near me.
Bilbo: "Whoa, sorry, I did not mean to startle you like that, Anya."
Anya: "No need to appologize, Bilbo. My mind was elsewhere &..."
I stopped speaking at once for I heard & saw two figures not far from where Bilbo & I were standing.
Those voices belonged to Gandalf & Lord Elrond, they were arguing about something.
Gandalf: "And really, I...I think you can trust that I know what I'm doing ."
Lord Elrond: "Do you? That dragon has slept for 60 years. What will happen if your plan fails? If you wake the beast?"
Gandalf: "I am well aware of the risks but once Erebor is reclaimed our defences in the East shall strengthened."
Lord Elrond: "It is a dangerous move, Gandalf."
Gandalf: "It is dangerous to do nothing. Besides claiming the throne of Erebor is Thorin's birthright & you know it is. What is it you fear?"
Lord Elrond: "Have you forgotten? A strain of sickness lies deep within that family. Which drove his grandfather mad & his father went through the same ordeal. How do you know that Thorin shall not fall as well?"
Hearing doubts from Lord Elrond was exactly what I had feared. But what he said about the dragon sickness in which King Thror & his son went through, I'm sure Thorin shall remain immune. But sensing Gandalf's silence upsets me I turned around to leave but I became alarmed to see Thorin standing right behind us. Had he heard everything? The way Thorin's gaze locked against mine confirmed that he did. I sensed Bilbo also turn his head in the same direction. Thorin held his gaze with mine for a few moments. When I heard Gandalf mention my name causing me to flinch a little.
Gandalf:(Sighing)"Well now as you know that Anya is also involved in this. I suppose you would detain her here."
Lord Elrond: "Now why would I do that to her, Gandalf? I'm sure that she is old enough to make her own decisions in life. She is her father's daughter, also has her mother's spirit. But these decisions are not ours to make alone, Gandalf."
Soon their voices began to fade away as they moved onwards. Bilbo & I turned to face Thorin again, he was brooding at what occured I was sure of it.
Thorin:(Straightening his shoulders)"You two should get some sleep we shall leave at once before dawn."
We both nodded I smiled at the dwarf before walking up the stairs, heading straight to my room. Once there I glanced at my bags, sure enough they were not unpacked. Sighing I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. It made me feel sad not only about what Lord Elrond said but also the fact that Gandalf had not defended Thorin. Thinking of him brought back the memory to the kiss which nearly had happened between us. I could feel my face heat up at that, then again I wonder what it would be like? I shook myself free from these thoughts & tried to get some shut eye. But the moment I shut my eyes, the face of Thorin Oakenshield comes up, oh boy, that dwarf was really getting under my skin. Right now I had to put my feelings for him aside & focus more on the quest. Which I'm sure would not be risk free.

1554 words!

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