Chapter 6

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Two weeks after the men had arrived I finally learned why they were there. Raymond, Madeline's boss, had told one of the guys that he wouldn't sell him a 4 star eventer, because his facility was disgusting and disoriented. All the horses there were either starved or so fat, that they had troubles walking. In every stall there was an enormous amount of manure. The man threatened to steal, abuse, or kill, on of Raymond's horses.
Of course the when to the Rehab Barn because they thought, "Oh goody! Messing with already hurt horses! Fun!"
Me and Faith now have an even stronger bond. But she still needs lots of time to recover.
As for Nolan and I, our show is 5 days away. Since it's only monday were going to do our regular training. But on Friday I'll make sure he's ready and also, give him the day off. Excitement coursed through my blood. On Saturday I'd be out here by 7:30, which is a little later that usual. We'll be on our way by 8:30. My class starts at 3:30 so I'll have time to look around, since it's only about a 45 minute drive.


|Show day|

Finally! It had arrived! We arrived at Hollow Wood around 7:15 a.m. A little earlier that expected, but that's OK! I couldn't contain my excitement. Once we got Nolan loaded I ran to get Faith. We were taking her so that she could get accustomed to a trailer and show atmosphere. We had done many practice loads, but only some driving. We assumed Faith would be fine, since she had never bulked while loafing, also she was good friends with Nolan.
Around 8:30, departed from Hollow Wood and headed for the eastern part of Virginia. It was only a 45 minute ride, so I only brought my phone for music. I listened to Carrie Underwood for about 20 minutes, then turned my attention to Madeline and José's conversation, in the front seat. I kept my earbuds in, so they would think I was listening to music. 
"José,  I don't know. She's good, but not good enough. Especially from how much she practices! And Nolan isn't getting any younger either."
"I think she'll do amazing. I've seen it. Hidden talent! When practicing alone, amazing. To minch pressure with everybody watching. She scared of being judged!" José told Madeline. She thinks I'm not good enough but he thinks I am. I've trained for more than 20 hours a week! Ive read every book to improve done every exercise I've found, scooped the endless stalls for my riding time, and trained Faith for  an hour a day. How could I fail Madeline's expectations?! She tells me I'm a natural then says I'm not good enough.
Tears blur my vision for the rest of the car ride. Before we even park at the show grounds, I'm out of the truck. I sprint around to the trailer doors and let them down. After unloading and tying up Faith, when back in for Nolan. Once he was tied, Madeline cleared her throat from behind me. "Yes?" I said, trying not to sound devastated.
"Why did you run?" She asked, obviously distressed.
"Because I'm not good enough! You said it yourself! After each lesson that you've seen you say I've done amazing! I'm a natural! But you lied! You told José that I'm not good enough to win! You said it! I heard you!" Tears ran down down my cheeks. I couldn't look at her anymore. She look hurt, like she just realized how much this could hurt me. I untied Nolan and Faith and simply walked away. I said nothing, just walked away. Away from everything. Madeline, the grounds, José. I couldn't compete. I wouldn't. I'm not good enough. After I was a good mile away, I checked my watch. It was just barley noon. If I went back now I could compete. Maybe I would. No! I would! I will show Madeline what I'm made of. I would show her that I was good enough.


"Enter the ring all equation riders!" The announcer called. I gave Nolan a pat and squeezed my legs. He walked into the ring confidentiality, like he owned the place. Once everynody in the class was in the ring, the anouncer started calling out instructions.
"Sitting trot!"
Everybody immediately crossed their stirrups and started trotting. a
After half a lap of trot, the announcer called out, "Canter!" We uncrossed our stirrups and started to canter.

The class ended and we walked out of the arena. About five minutes after taking saddles off we were called back into the arena. 
"Third goes to Cindy Lund!" Everybody clapped and Cindy was awarded.
"Second goes to Laura Bin!" Everybody clapped again and Laura was rewarded.
"First goes to Alexandra Brightlen! Congratulations!" Everybody clapped as the man walked over to me.
"Congratulations, you were outstanding. Do a higher class next time." He told me while handing me my ribbon.
"Thank you so much!" I said trying to contain my excitement. After they let us go, Madeline came up to me.
"I was wrong, you have more than enough!" She whispered into my shoulder. I hugged her back. Now she saw what I had. She knew now that I was good enough.

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