Chapter 8

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"All equation riders enter ring three, please! Ring three!" The announcers voice echoed over the crowd.
I urged Nolan into the ring. We started, everything went absolutely flawless. No mishaps with the lead changes. At the end of my class, I accepted my blue ribbon. Another one for my ribbon wall! We walked out proudly.  Madeline immediately found Nolan and I, and hugged both of us.
"Great job! I entered you in a junior hunter class. And a pony hunter. For the juniors you'll ride Nolan and for the pony, you'll ride Starry Night Sky. The pony is in and hour and the juniors is in three." She smiled at us approvingly.
"Ok, I'll be ready!" I said, obviously thrilled, "Can you have José tack up Star so I can get used to him?" I asked.
Madeline smiled and walked off, nodding her head.
About 15 minutes later, José walked up with Star. He's a 13hh, 12 year old Welsh pony, gorgeous flaxen chestnut. I'd see him work before. Definite hunter, smooth and tucked. Everything about him screamed hunter jumper. His gleaming coat was flashy and perfectly groomed.
After I adjusted my stirrups, I gathered my reins and gracefully mounted the pony. We were in an empty ring, the furthest from everybody. José set up some jumps, only about 2'8 for the highest. We catered a few in and outs then and oxer. Jose raised some of the jumps and set up a course.
"Ok start by that post and go to the blue and white oxer, then come across the diagonal, through both the in and out and that green vertical. Then swing left and go over the combo, OK?" José stated, with his heavy Mexican accent.
Star and I flew through the course. He was an absolute dream. If, and when, I get my own horse, I want him or her to be smooth and collected, with a good temperament, like Star.
I hadn't realized how long I'd been circling the arena. Madeline came up with a flushed look on her face.
"You need to get into ring one because you class starts in," Madeline checked her watch, "10 minutes!"
Thank God that Star was already tacked up and ready to go. I had only circled the arena at a walk, so he was cooled out. Madeline gave me a leg up and we started towards ring one. Right as we got there, I was called.
"Number 546, Alexandra Brightlen on Starry Night Sky!"
We walked into the arena, after a lap of trot I started.
We soared over everything!  Star and I would surely win this class.

Once the last rider was out of the ring, we all entered again. An older girl got first, I ended with second, and a girl that looked like she was six, got third. Second is definitely still great. Especially on a horse you've only ridden once.
While I was waiting, I accidentally ran into a skinny, blond, Californian looking girl.
"What the hell!? Get out of my way loser!" The girl shrieked. I side stepped and walked over to our five rented stalls. After getting Nolan in a pair of cross ties, I braided his mane and got him sparkling for our junior class. Madeline came up as I was puttin Nolan back in his stall.
"Want food?" She asked.
"Yes please!" I exclaimed not realizing how hungry I was.
"Ok I'll bring you some thing," she smiled and walked away.
I knew it would be a while before food came, I got Star out of his stall and brushed the short gelding.
Madeline showed up a short while after I put him back in his stall.
"Perfect timing!" I said, already reaching for the huge piece of pepperoni pizza in her arms.
"Damn these are big!" She exclaimed.
"Watch your language young lady!" I scolded, mimicking her voice.
We both laughed and dug into our pizza. We talked about what kind of things I wanted for and in my horse. After a bit more talking, Madeline said, "Ok, you better tack up Nolan. I'll see you after your class," She hugged me and walked away. I clipped a lead rope to Nolan's halter and then crossed tied him. Once he was sparkling, I saddled and bridled the gelding. Once my helmet was on, I mounted up. We warmed up with a few jumps and lead changes, then waited for the anouncer to call our names.


We won! Two blues and one red today! I was bursting with excitement. Madeline was really happy, also. At the end of the day we were both so tired. I loaded Nolan and made sure he was ready, then hopped in the truck. I literally took my hair out of my pony tail and fell asleep.

"Hey sleepy head, wake up!" Madeline whispered.
I groaned tiredly.
"Unload your horse," she whispered.
I laughed and got out of the truck. After swing open the door, I realized that Nolan wasn't in there. The was a lanky, bay gelding, probably 16hh-17hh. He looked back at me with sweet brown eyes.
"Madeline, why is this horse in our trailer?" I called out, questioningly. This had to be a mix up. After untying the strange horse, I backed him out. Once he was tied to the trailer, I walked over to Madeline.
"Whose horse is this?" I asked again.
"Alex, meet Lance. Lance, meet Alex!" The horse lifted it's hoof, almost like he was asking me to shake it.
"Rude. You didn't shake his hoof!" Madeline exclaimed, laughing. I laughed and shook his hoof.
"Alex, he's yours."


Sorry if I got some things wrong about hunter jumpers :) I know wayyy more about show jumping an stuff like that :) :)

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