Chapter Four: Roomies!!!

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As soon as Cherry arrived in Underswap, he instantly wanted to leave and never come back. It was just so.... Wonderful and happy, everyone was smiling and being so nice to everyone else. It made him want to hang himself.

He finally arrived at Blueberry and Orange's house, which look exactly like his, but... Less evil and didn't have that many spikes. He looked around at the house and all he could say was, "Wow."

"I know, right? Isn't it sweet and cozy?" Blueberry asked as he took Cherry's bags and placed them by the door.

"It's something, but not that." Cherry commented.

"Here, I'll take your coat." Orange asked as he placed his thin skeleton hands on Cherry's jacket.

He gasped and glared, pushing Orange away as his one eye glowed blood red, which caused Orange and Blueberry to jump. "NO! YOU'RE NOT TAKING THE JACKET OFF OF ME!!!" Cherry deeply cared for the jacket that he wore because it was the only thing that his Papyrus made him. He treasured it deeply and never took it off, expect whenever it NEEDED to be washed.

Orange blinked before smirking. "You know, you shouldn't talk to your host like that. It'll... Upset me." He said, his eye glowing orange.

"Hey! No fighting! Fighting is not good!" Blueberry pouted, not liking to see his new friend or his brother fighting in front of him.

Orange cleared his throat as his eyes turned back to normal. "Sorry, Berry. You should probably listen to my brother, Cherry." He said before walking away, smoking his cigarette once again.

"Don't worry about Papy. He's a good guy, especially if you love jokes and are lazy like him." Blueberry said to Cherry, sitting on the couch and moved Cherry's stuff to the floor.

Cherry chuckled a little and sat next to him. "Well, then I guess it's good he's not a boxer cause he would beat me to a pulp!" The skeleton laughed hard at his own pun.

But Blueberry look confused. "Was that a pun because his nickname is Orange?"

"Yes, yes it was." Cherry smirked.

Blueberry snorted a little before keeping a straight face. He didn't find puns very funny like the other Papyruses did, but Cherry's puns made him laugh. He didn't know why. "Okay, well.... I want to yell at you, but I won't. Anyway, this shall be your home for a year. Feel free to do whatever you want and eat whatever you want."

"So... Does that mean I can bring a girl over?" Cherry asked curiously.

"Ummm.... I-I guess." Blueberry replied, getting a little jealous at that.

"And what if I wanna invite over some friends from Underfell to a party?" Underfell asked, getting closer to Underswap's face.

"Don't even think about it because it won't happen!" They heard Orange shout from his room.

"I guess that answers your questions." Blueberry replied with a nervous laugh.

Cherry growled and sighed, laying back against the couch. "Whatever. So, is there like any rules that I should follow or something?"

"Exactly, there is!" Blueberry squealed before standing up, getting out a small blue sticky note. "Rule number one: Don't touch anything that you shouldn't!"

"What about the floor?" Cherry asked with a cruel smirk upon his face.

"Umm... Y-yeah, you can touch the floor and other stuff that you need, but nothing else!" He said with a bright blue blush on his face, "Rule number two: No bad words or bad actions."

"Shit..." Cherry mumbled, angry that he couldn't cuss or put up his middle finger.

"Hey!" Blue said, pointing a finger at the other Sans.

"Sorry, sorry. Anything else?" The Underfell Sans asked, tucking his skeleton hands into his pockets.

"Ummm... Don't torture or kill, no getting into fights, and you must be my friend!" Blueberry finished, tucking the sticky note away.

Cherry rose an eyebrow at the "must be my friend" part. Why should he be a friend with this weirdo? They were nothing in common and didn't know each other that well. "Why should I?"

"Because... Unless you wanna go to Error and live with him, then I'll just give him a-" Blueberry said, pulling out his phone. He knew that it was a mean thing, but it was the only thing that Blueberry could think of.

"No, no, no! Don't call Error!" Cherry begged before clearing his throat. "I'll be your friend."

"YAY!!!!" Blueberry cheered and ran to Cherry, hugging him as tight as he could possibly could hug. "Cherry is my new friend!"

"Okay.... You can let go now. Seriously, let go! LET GO!" Cherry yelled, a little bit bright blush covering his face as he tried to push off the boy.

Blueberry instantly pulled away and blushed, laughing. "Sorry, I just got so excited and I don't know if I like you or-"

"I'M LOOKING FOR A MIND AT WORK, I'M LOOKING FOR A MIND AT WORK! I'M LOOKING FOR A MIND AT WORK!!!!" They heard Underswap Papyrus sing loudly, looking upstairs.

"Ummm.... What the f- heck is he doing?" Cherry asked confused.

"Oh! Underswap! Napstabot brought home a CD called Hamilton and Papy's been obsessed with it!" Blueberry said, smiling as he heard his brother sing the British King song next.

"Okay then..." Underfell! Sans cringed a little at the sound of his voice from upstairs.

"Come on. You must be hungry." Blueberry said as he gently took Cherry's hand, dragging him along to the kitchen.

Cherry blinked and looked down at their hands. It was strange, normally someone would freak out when they took his hand because of how rough and cold it was but not Berry. Was it because they different AU's of Sans? Or was it because Blueberry didn't notice or care?

"Here it is!" Blueberry's voice squealed, which cut off Cherry's thoughts about him.

"What did you find?" Underfell asked.

"My taco mixes and sauces! I don't know why Papyrus pushes them to the way back of the refrigerator." Blueberry said, putting them on of plate to put them in the microwave.

Cherry gulped and sat down at the table. Like the other Papyruses, Underswap Sans was bad at cooking. But.. He strangely didn't want to hurt at his feelings. So, when Blueberry pulled them out of the microwave and put them into the taco, Underfell eyed them like it was a deep fried rat.

"What's wrong? Eat! Or do you want something else to eat?" Blueberry asked, looking that he was going to be upset. He wasn't the best cook, but at he thought that he had tried.

"N-no! I'll eat them!" Cherry said, picking up the taco and taking a tiny bite of it. Strangely, it tasted.... Not like crap. "It's good."

"Really?! Oh thank you so much!" Blueberry squealed and jumped up and down, clapping his hands.

Cherry laughed a little, continuing to eat the taco. "Could use a little bit of work, but it's not bad. Have you ever thought of making other things?"

"Yes I have! But my cooking teacher said that until I don't set my food on fire, I'm not ready." Blueberry said, getting out a small bottle of water. He wasn't allowed to have coffee or soda since it made him go crazy.

Cherry snorted a little. "You don't need classes. I'll teach you. Sure, I'm not a famous chef, but I'll teach you things that'll win any monster's heart."

Blueberry smiled and blushed a little. "I'd like that."

Cherry smiled as they ate, having little conversions here and there about random things. But for some reason, Blueberry made him feel something that he never felt-



Hello subjects! So, this is chapter four! Let's just say that I have so many plans for this book and I hope you all like them!

So yes, I did bring Hamilton into this! Hey, I love that musical, sue me.

Anyway, make sure to vote or comment if you guys want to see more of this story! And I hope you all continue to be Sinners! Bye bye!

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