Chapter Five: Secrets

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"Cherry, Papyrus! Why is it that I have to pick up your clothes from your rooms, you lazy bone boys?!" Blueberry called to them with a glare, carrying a laundry basket full of clothes.

"Because you're the lady of the house!" Orange called out to his little brother as he and Cherry sat on the couch, watching "Nightmare Before Christmas." Since Cherry hadn't seen any Tim Burton movies, he and Blueberry figured they'd start now.

Blueberry sighed and walked into Cherry's room, picking up some dirty socks and some ketchup packets. He felt like Cinderella at times, but he didn't mind doing the chores from time to time.

After picking up the dirty clothes from Cherry's room, Blueberry began to put away all the clean clothes and put them on hangers in the closet. The last thing he wanted to put away was Cherry's black hoodie. He had always worn it for some reason but refused to tell anyone why.

Curious and alone, Blueberry began to sniff the other Sans's hoodie. "Mmmmmh! It smells like cherry pie!" He squealed out, getting hungry for cherry pie because of the smell.

He looked around again, making sure that Cherry or Orange didn't enter the room. He then smiled and began to slip on the black hoodie. It was so warm and comfortable that he could fall asleep in it.

His heart began to flutter as he closed his eyes, already imagining that Cherry was holding Blueberry himself. The two cuddling each other as Blueberry nuzzled into Cherry's chest. He began to get a strange feeling in his stomach and his-

"What are you doing with my hoodie?" A deep voice that belonged to Cherry himself asked, making Cherry jumped and scream like a girl.

"C-Cherry?! I-I'm so sorry, I was just trying on your jacket and I got so lost in the scent and I-" Blueberry tried to explain, stuttering hard as his face turned bright blue.

"Just give it back to me." Cherry ordered, holding out his hand to the other.

Blueberry frowned and nodded his head, taking off the hoodie and handing it back to him. Cherry put it on and looked at him. "Cherry... Why do you always wear that hoodie?"

"I don't have to answer that." Was all Cherry said as he played with the strings of his hoodie shyly.

"But Cherry, aren't we friends?" Blueberry asked, wanting to make sure that the two Sanses were still friends.

"Well, yeah. But it's something that I don't wanna talk about! You wouldn't understanding anyway!" Cherry barked.

Blueberry jumped a little before looking upset. Weren't friends supposed to tell things that they weren't supposed to tell other people? Soon, the Underswap Sans got an idea. "Hey! Why don't I tell you a secret and then you can tell me why you wear that hoodie?"

Cherry tilted his skeleton head before shrugging a little. "Umm... I guess so. That sounds okay."

Blueberry sat down next to the Underfell Sans before sighing softly. "I.... I have a small crush on someone, but they aren't really my type. You see, they're strange and they do things that I'm not used to seeing. But I do like them with all my soul!"

Cherry was quiet for a second. "That was a pretty good secret, but who is this stranger?"

"Oh, I don't know his name. All I know is how he behaves." Blueberry lied. He didn't want to tell Cherry that he had a rather small crush upon the other. It would completely ruin their growing friendship. "Now will you tell me why you wear that hoodie?"

The Underfell Sans sighed. "Fine. But if you tell a single soul about this, I will kick your boney butt!"

The Underswap Sans giggled and wrapped his boney pinkie finger around the other's. "I promise! Cross my soul!"

Cherry gave a small smirk before sighing again. "This is the only thing that my Papyrus ever gave me as a present. In Underfell, you don't do nice things for people for their birthday or for Christmas. You don't do nice things at all! But Papyrus gave this hoodie to me very long ago and I've treasured it to this day. But the thing is, whenever people ask me about it, I had to lie and say that I bought it for myself."

Blueberry gasped and began to feel so bad for the other Sans, holding his skeleton hand tightly. "Oh.... I'm so sorry, Cherry. I-I didn't know."

"It's.... It's fine. I just don't tell too many people because it would ruin my bad boy attitude." He joked but told the truth.

Blueberry nodded his head but then go an idea. "Hey, do you wanna play a prank on Orange?" He asked with a playful grin.

"Ummm... Isn't that a pun to you?" Cherry asked in confusion.

"No way! Pranks are different than puns!" Blueberry said before running into Cherry's closet, instantly changing into his clothes.

"And what is the purpose of this prank?" Cherry asked, tilting his head in confusion at the Underswap Sans.

"To make Papyrus think he's seeing double of you!" Berry giggled before running outside to Orange.

"Oh, Cherry. Are you ready to continue watching the movie?" Orange asked, his cigarette resting in his mouth.

"Yeah, you big..... Meanie butt. I'll be in the living room." Blueberry said in the deepest voice he could do, walking to the living room. He tried to keep his giggle as silent as possible.

After a while of playing this prank of Orange, the two Sanses were having so much fun! Orange, however, was holding his head as he was already dumping out some of the cigarettes that he had. "NO MORE DRUGS!!!!" Orange shouted.

Blueberry and Cherry laughed hard as they held their stomachs, finding this prank rather enjoyable. For the first time in a while, Blueberry felt proud of his prank to Orange. In fact, he hoped that they'd do more pranks like this.


Hey everybody! I hope that all of you are enjoying this piece of work that I'm doing! Honestly, I did this chapter while watching The Corpse Bride, which is a beautiful movie especially around Halloween time.

Anyway, make sure to vote and comment if you want more and make sure to look for more chapters! Also, if you guys enjoy Sans, Papyrus, and Mettaton, make sure to check out my oneshot book! Bye bye guys!

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