Chapter Fourteen: Runt Cherry Joins the Family!

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"Look what I found!" Blueberry squealed as he came into the room with a newspaper, holding it up to where Cherry could see.

Cherry blinked and rubbed his eyes a bit. "Advertisements? Yeah, there's so many of them, Blue."

"No, silly! This one!" Blueberry put the newspaper down on the table and pointed to one the one that said "Mama Cry's BittyBones Adoption Center."

It had been exactly a few days since the incident with Error 404 and it was getting close to Thanksgiving. Blueberry and Orange were planning on having Thanksgiving with Frisk and Chara at their house, which was fine to Undertale! Sans and Papyrus as long as they went.

"What's a BittyBones?" Cherry asked in a cracky voice, since it was so early in the morning and he was eating breakfast.

"It's a small skeleton like us with "Berry" at the end of it. It's like having a little pet or a child." Orange said as he came into the room and ate a cold piece of pizza.

"And you know this how, Papy?" Blueberry asked curiously.

"You'd be surprised how much fan art you can find of the Undertale universes." He said and took another bite before sitting down on the couch, turning on Phantom of the Opera.

"Okay....... Anyway, why do you even want a BittyBones?" Cherry asked again, eating his eggs with extra mustard.

"Because, Cherry! Think of how many little ones there are that don't have any families to celebrate Thanksgiving or even Christmas with!" Blueberry explained, getting sad at the thought.

Cherry thought about it; It was a little sad of how many people don't have family or friends for the holidays. So, it maybe wouldn't hurt to save a Bitty's life and adopt them. Especially if he was helping Blueberry. "Umm... I guess."

Blueberry became happy again and squealed, "Really?!"

Cherry nodded his head with a grin, "Yeah."

"Wait a minute. Blue, if you do buy a Bitty, you and Cherry both have to take care of it. You have to feed them, love them, pet them, and make them happy when they're sad. It's kind of liking taking care of a child." Orange spoke up strictly.

Blueberry nodded. "Don't worry, Papy! I promise to be the best mama to that little Bitty!"

Cherry smiled a bit but it was a nervous smile. "Me too..." He had never had a Bitty before and didn't know the first thing about them! What if he wasn't a good caretaker and the Bitty didn't like him?

Soon, after teleporting far, the two Sanses had arrived at Mama Cry's Adoption Center. It was a pretty small building, but it was colorful and bright. "Oh, aren't you excited, Cherry! It's gonna be so cool! Our first Bitty!" Blueberry exclaimed.

Cherry flushed hard as he looked at the other. "O-our?"

"Well... Yeah! We're gonna adopt them together, after all!" Blueberry said before dragging him inside.

Cherry flushed more and let out a happy smile. This might be the first step for Blueberry and him to get even closer to each other and... Fall even more in love! He just hoped he would make a good impression when it came to Bitties.

The two skeletons were greeted by a strange woman. "Hello there! Oh, two real and tall Sanses. It's a pleasure! I'm Mama Cry." She greeted and shook both of their hands, "Did you come here for a Bitty today?"

Cherry wanted to say something rude, but didn't really feel like it. "Yes, actually. But the thing is, we don't really know which one."

"I wanna go look!" Blueberry squealed and ran off to the cart of Bittes.

Mama Cry chuckled and looked at Cherry, noticing his nervousness. "First time getting a Bitty?"

Cherry blinked and nodded his head, scrapping off his golden tooth. "Y-yeah, I'm a little nervous... I've never had to take care of something before, let alone something so tiny. It's just a little scary to me."

Mama Cry chuckled a bit, patting his arm. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You'll know what to do. The Bitties won't cause you any harm and they all want is love and care. It's just like taking care of a child."

That's exactly what Orange said. "But.... I've never had a child before." Cherry explained. The only real time he had to take care of something was Papyrus, but that was different.

"Cherry!!! Come here, quick!" Blueberry called from the other side of the store.

Mama Cry chuckled and patted his back. "Go on, big guy." She said before leaving to attend to the "Brassberries."

Cherry walked over to where Blueberry was, seeing as his eyes were shining like stars and held something in his hands. "What is it, Blue?"

"Look what I found!" Blueberry squealed before revealing a small skeleton Sans in his hand. He was a ting thing and looked just like Cherry, but his clothes were all pinkish red and his eyes were the same. He also didn't have a golden tooth, but he was crying a bit.

"H-hi...!" Said the tiny Bitty.

"Ummm... Hi." Cherry replied.

"Isn't he adorable? I saw him down in the box crying and I couldn't help but make him feel better." Blueberry said and petted the Bitty's head, which made him squeak and purr a bit.

"What's your name, little guy?" Cherry asked and looked down at the Bitty.

"U-umm... I-it's Cherry, but everyone calls me Runt because I'm too small and weak." He replied sadly.

"Well, you're not a weak runt! You're a cute runt!" Blueberry said and gave the Bitty kisses, which sent him into a giggle fit.

Cherry chuckled at the scene, strangely not feeling jealous like he was when he was around Daisy. He soon looked down at the Bitty and poked his tummy, "Do you maybe wanna come with us?"

Runt Cherry blinked, "C-come with you? Y-you mean to the doctors or something?" He began to cry, "D-don't send me to the doctors!"

The two Sanses gasped before Cherry took Runt Cherry in his hands, "No, no, little guy. We ain't sending you to the doctors. We just wanted to know if you wanted to get adopted by us."

Runt Cherry blinked and stopped crying but began to sniffle a little. "R-really?"

"Yeah, little guy! You're gonna be part of our family!" Blueberry said with a smile.

Runt Cherry smiled as his eyes shined. "F-family? I-I'd love to! I-I'm gonna be adopted!"

And so, Runt Cherry was adopted by Cherry and Blueberry after they signed the paper work and got more information. They weren't even bothered by the fact that Runt had anxiety, they would help him through it.

Cherry smiled at small Bitty and his crush, feeling like his life was getting better and better. And soon, he would be celebrating Thanksgiving. But, he had an idea.

Maybe.... He should invite Boss to come to Thanksgiving dinner?


Hey everybody! So, here's the next chapter of this story! And look, I brought in a Bitty!*squeals and hugs Bitty Cherry tightly*

Also. I want to wish you all a happy and early Thanksgiving and I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday! And to tell you guys I also saw "Phantom of the Opera" for the first time! I even got pictures with the Phantom and Raoul themselves! X3

Anyway, make sure that you leave a comment or a vote if you guys wanna see more! Also, I don't own Runt Cherry or Mama Cry, just so everyone knows! Bye bye!

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