I wish...

172 23 15

I'm in the dark,

Turning around in an arc,

Searching for an entrance,

Wishing this was some kind of trance.

Alas! I find nothing,

Not even a little something,

To prove my presence,

Or to illuminate my essence.

I look up to the stars in the sky,

I reach out to touch them,

And I flit my hands through the open blanket of night,

Wanting to catch a tiny sliver of light.

And I withdraw my hand,

And slowly prise it open,

But I see nothingness,

In everything but smoothness.

I seek for oblivion in dreams,

But nightmares filter in through its seams,

I sometimes wish to be dead,

But the finality in that I would dread.

I long for company,

To be among many,

But loneliness beckons,

And draws me into its unknowns.

I look up at the sky,

And see a bird fly by,

I wish I could fly,

And be so free like the bird in the sky.

And I wish... Oh how much I wish...

[Love, Beebs♥]

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