Mirror at Sunset..

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I met a girl today,

And her story I would very much like to say.

Her depression hung over her like a cloak,

Her self-loathing proud and standing like an oak.

The eyes are windows to the soul they say,

But she carefully held her emotions at bay.

Her happiness had long ago withered to dust,

And her own very eyes mocked her in boast.

The scars on her body witnesses to her pain,

Seemingly guiding her on a destructive lane.

Her bitterness had eroded to her very core,

And anguish sank into her pores.

She looked trapped,

And a plan to rescue her I mapped.

But try as hard as I could with all my might,

The hurt of that little insecure girl I couldn't right.

So I was left to tell the story of the girl I met,

When I looked into the mirror at sunset.

[Love, Beebs ♥]

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