08. omen

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When I was eleven years old and in my first year at Ilvermorny, I had my first kiss. A Wampus boy who I didn't know ran up to me and kissed me hard on the lips before running away. Just like that, my first kiss was taken from me. I told myself it didn't count, and then moved on. It was short, abrupt, but sweet- kind of innocent.

Kissing Fred is nothing like that.

He closes the small space between us instantaneously, and he puts his hands on my cheeks and then our lips touch and it's like a rollercoaster and I'm going down, down, down. I'm drowning in Fred. The kiss is everything we've been denying since we met, and it's everything I want.

I must be drunk. That's the only reason why I'd be doing this. That has to be it. If it is, then it's wrong- but I can't seem to pull away.

Our lips move in sync as my hand snake around his waist and grip his back. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss, and all I can taste is peaches. We're pressed against each other so closely that I am touching every inch of his body, and I can't get enough. It's like he's a life raft, and I'm just clinging on.

Oh, God, the feeling of his lips on mine. I've kissed people before, but never like this. I've never felt something like this before. He backs me up until I'm pushed up against the wall, and one of his hands grips my jaw while the other trails down to rest on my waist. I let out an involuntary small moan as Fred moves down and kisses my neck, and I tilt my head back to give him more access. When he nips at my skin and pulls it between his teeth, I gasp and press myself tighter to him. He growls and does the same motion again, eliciting the same reaction from me. I moan again as Fred sucks hard on the spot just below my jaw, and then I grind a little against him, enjoying the reaction I get out of him. My hands tangle in his hair and I sigh loudly as he kisses the area again.

There's a loud knock on the door, and then vaguely I remember that there are people outside who have probably been listening to my short moans, despite my efforts to keep them quiet. Suddenly I am acutely aware of what Fred and I were just doing, and hastily I push him away as Lee's voice drifts through the crack in the door. "You have thirty seconds until we open the door," Lee says stiffly.

I stare wide eyed at Fred, who is still standing close to me despite being pushed away. His pupils are dilated, his lips are swollen, and his hair is a mess. I slip off his sweater and hand it back to him, and try desperately to look presentable. Without making eye contact with him, I fix his hair so it's a little more presentable, and then when George calls out with humour in his voice that we have ten seconds, Fred points with a grin to the spot on my neck that he was just kissing. "Did you give me a hickey?" I hiss.

"It's okay," he says, and then he swiftly reaches up and pulls out the pin holding my hair in place, making the curls tumble down my shoulders and cover the bruise just as the door swings open. With a smirk, Fred hands me my pin and then walks out of the closet, sitting down in the circle with the rest of our friends. Lee is still holding the door open and watches Fred walk past with a scowl. George immediately leans over to Fred and whispers something in his ear, but Fred just shrugs and turns back to everyone else, laughing at something Allie says.

"Uh, Vee?" Lee says hesitantly, and then I stop watching Fred and realize I'm still standing in the closet. I grab my wand from the shelf and I step past Lee, my face hot as he closes the door. He turns to me and gazes quizzically into my eyes. "What happened in there, Vee?"

I shrug. I'm drunk, it was an accident. Fred is acting like nothing happened, so I will too. Plus, if Lee found out, he'd kill Fred. "Nothing happened," I tell Lee, tilting my chin up to look at him. I will myself not to scratch my nose- I do it when I lie, and Lee knows that. "We just talked."

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