60. nineteen years later.

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Lee Jordan is standing at Platform 9 and ¾ at King's Cross Station, London, and he is a whirlwind of emotions. He's always been a little... overemotional. 

The date is September 1st, and he watches as children with jumbles of carts emerge through the wall, looking at Hogwarts Express with wonder, fear, and a little bit of awe. In a moment, he will leave through the same wall and return to the Quidditch pitch to commentate the game of the century. In a moment is the key—not yet.

Lee's life has been nothing short of unbelievable so far, with more twists and turns than one could ever imagine. Sad ones, yes. But happy ones, too.

He only wishes his parents could've been here to see more of it than the short seven years they got.

Many years after the Battle of Hogwarts, as it had been named, Lee remembered his name that his parents had given him before the accident—it seemed like such a miniscule detail of his life, discarded in the corner of his brain to collect dust amongst the other things he had either forgotten or didn't want to remember. Now, though, things had begun to make sense to him as he recalled his and his twin's names.

"Castor and Pollux," Lee says as he watches the excited students board Hogwarts Express, taking their seats in various compartments with their friends and awaiting the year ahead. "In the original myth, they're brothers. Castor dies and Pollux gives up half his soul to be with his brother again. Do you think mum and dad knew?"

"I think they did."

Lee looks on at all the students and their parents surrounding him. He sees his own twin son and daughter wave before getting onto the train, animatedly discussing something or other with Teddy Lupin, whose blue hair shines in the light. Just behind them, almost hidden in the masses of students—yes. A small girl with fiery red hair, dark skin and a mischievous smirk boards the train.

All was well.


I can't believe it's all over now, almost three years since I started writing this book. It wouldn't be a proper sappy Em goodbye without some messages for you all!!!!!!

i also can't believe this a/n is longer than the epilogue but it didn't need to be longer so meh!!!!!!

I'd like to thank every single person that read this book, and stuck with it even when writing was shitty in the beginning (and probably still is). I've made fun of some of the things I've written before, but I mean seriously,,,, it's bad. Anyways, I'm proud of you for sticking through it!

I should probably address the ending. There's a bunch of reasons why I've left it the way I have, but I figured after the huge exposition dump Vee does at the end of chapter fifty-nine, it made more sense to me to keep it up to the reader, although I did kinda swing in one direction. Look, I'm a sucker for open endings, okay? This was never gonna be a book that finished and was tied up in a pretty little bow. So thank you for reading it, even if it's not what you expected.

A special thank you to everyone that has commented and voted on the chapters. I LOVE. YOUR. COMMENTS. Seriously y'all bring a tear to my eye :') I just love seeing what everyone thinks, especially those OGs or regulars (you know who you are luvs x) that get so invested in the story. It's so heartwarming to think that you guys cared enough to comment.

As I've mentioned before previously... you do get one short little treat, which may come soon, it may not. I've never been particularly consistent, but I'm jazzed with this being finished so it'll be sooner rather than later, I think. Meep.

As for what's next for me, I'm working on a new book that is not fanfic related but is literally my new obsession. I'm loving writing it! It's super different to this, and a lot closer to the writing style of the last two chapters, so let me know if you'd want me to publish it here or try and get it published and in stores!!!!!!!!

Seriously, guys. This book has been such a huge part of my life for so long and it's a bittersweet ending for sure, but I'll miss updating and having you guys swarm to it the most. WOW.

I love you all 3000. References aside, you guys are the best. Thanks for reading.

See you soon. 



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