29. goodbyes

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here's a photo of the guy who played Lee Jordan nowadays if he can glo up you can too boo            

    "Here, Vee, I got you this dildo in case you start to miss Fred over the summer," Julian says, handing me a small package with a grin.

There was a time when I would've been repulsed by this, but today I just laugh, thanking Julian and sliding the package into my trunk. We're standing in King's Cross Station and we're all about to part ways for the majority of the summer. I have plans to visit Julian and Allie, who are staying together this summer, and I'm staying with the Weasleys for the last few weeks as well- it's not like I won't see everyone. Angie might be visiting George too, so I'll get to see her as well.

"It's not really goodbye," I say with a laugh as George grips me in a teary embrace. "I'm seeing you in August, you idiot!"

"No," George says, pulling away and rolling his eyes. "You're seeing my brother- he just happens to live in the same house as me."

This makes me grin, and I ruffle George's hair. He huffs in play-annoyance as I say, "is someone feeling left out, Georgie?"

Fred wraps his brother in a side hug with a hearty laugh. "Poor little Georgie is just sad because his girlfriend is going to Quidditch camp this summer!"

Angie stomps her foot as everyone exclaims and congratulates her. "Just because you overheard me telling Wood, it doesn't mean you can just tell everyone without consulting me first!" she protests.

Fred shrugs. "Well, George already knew... I just assumed you already told everyone else as well."

"Yeah, well, you assumed wrong," Angie says shortly, pretending to be pissed. "Besides, my parents are making me go anyway. I don't even know if I want to go."

"Of course you do!" George exclaims, wrapping an arm around her. "It's super prestigious, and you're really good, Ang. Maybe not as good as Freddie and I, but you're up there."

While the two of them play-bicker, I say my proper goodbyes to Allie and Julian. As we hug, Allie's black cat screeches loudly at one of the Muggles passing by, and the Muggle says something like, "control your cat, freak!" to Allie.

Allie stares at them for an uncomfortably long time. Then, she strides over to her trolley where her cat is sitting in its crate and tosses her red hair behind her shoulder as she crouches down. In one swift movement she's unhinged the door, and her cat, Elio, slinks out of the cage and hisses at the rude muggle who begins to sprint away. Allie grins and calls out to Elio, crouching down. She holds out her arm and Elio crawls up her arm and onto her shoulder, sitting quite comfortably on one side and wrapping his tail around the back of her neck for balance. She waves goodbye to the muggle and then rolls her eyes, swinging Elio's crate door shut with a clang and standing up. "Anyway," she says nonchalantly, hugging me again. Elio licks my face like a dog when I hug her, and this makes me laugh. "He's... affectionate," she explains, shrugging carefully so as not to knock Elio off her shoulder.

I hug Julian too, and when we embrace, I ask him if he's excited to have Allie stay with him this summer. As we pull apart, he nods ferociously, kissing Allie on the cheek on his way past her. He swiftly grabs their shared trolley and together they walk off, getting stares left and right but not caring one bit.

I say goodbye to Harry, Ron and Hermione next. Like everyone else, I'll be seeing them this summer too, so our goodbyes are fairly short. "Are you okay?" I ask Harry as he pets Hedwig through the cage bars.

He thinks for a moment. "I'm definitely gonna have nightmares," he says, but then sighs. "I have a lot of nightmares."

"You have a lot of stuff to have nightmares about," I tell him. "Just don't let them control you."

He nods after a pause, smiling at me thankfully. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he tells me, and I know he means it.

I smirk. "Crash and burn," I say, flipping my curls over one shoulder. I laugh at my own joke and Harry laughs too, but I instantly make my face serious. "No, really. You'd die without me."

I'm jokingly being serious, but he knows from my eyes that's my way of saying 'stop putting yourself in positions where you could die and I have to come help'.

Harry smiles lightly. "I should be asking you if you're okay," he tells me.

I smile back, but it's tinged with sadness. "I'd only lie," I reply.

Nodding to himself, he wordlessly pulls me into another hug and then leaves with Ron and Hermione.

After I say goodbye to Angie and George, the only people left are Lee and Fred. In an instant Fred has wrapped me up in a hug, and he kisses my forehead tenderly. "I'm still pissed I didn't get to help save the ex-con, Aphrodite," he tells me.

I laugh a little and look up at him. "Honestly, I don't remember much of it. It's kind of like a shitty author that can't be bothered to do extra research and fill plotholes wrote that night down for me. All I know is I kept passing out during important moments."

"I think it's pretty funny," Fred says. "All the gaps, I mean."

"Whatever," I say as he pulls away to take my trolley to my grandma's car. "I just want to have a good summer and forget about everything that happened."

He knows immediately that I mean Remus. The guy disappeared in the middle of the night without even leaving a note. I knew he was fired when I was Snape lurking around the DADA classroom again- no doubt plotting where he can put his things in the office when he becomes the DADA teacher. Somehow I get the feeling it's unlikely he'll succeed in his dream, and that at least brings me a little joy.

I haven't even received a letter from Remus, but I have a feeling I'll be seeing him again. When I tell Fred this, he nods in agreement. "I feel like he's the kind of person who's gonna lie low then and pop back up again suddenly."

"Okay, well," I say after Fred has loaded my trunk into my grandma's car. He hands me Nori's cage, and as he does so my owl nips his finger affectionately. "I guess this is goodbye for now."

Fred rubs Nori's head and smiles at her. Once he's taken his hand out of the cage, he kisses me sweetly- it's enough to make Lee fake vomit from his positions getting into the back seat of the car. My grandma, looking up from her coffee, grins wildly at the two of us. For the first time ever, Fred is a little awkward as he scratches the back of his neck, pecking me once again as he backs away to go and meet George and the rest of his family. "I'll see you soon, Aphrodite!" he yells over his shoulder, making several people turn to locate the source of the sound.

I cringe at the embarrassment, but he continues to yell various farewells even when I'm in the car. "Gas it, Nonna," I say to my grandmother, and she does just that.

Aren't I the best writer I think some of my chapters are so quotable and deep. Here's my favourite quote from this chapter- now, don't forget to really read between the lines and analyze what I meant by this: 'Here, Vee, I got you this dildo in case you start to miss Fred over the summer'

I'm so good.

SONG: Sun by Two Door Cinema Club because I rediscovered my love for them and it's the best.




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