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Allie's POV

                  I was never really friends with girls until I met Venus.

                  That's not to say I was the kind of girl that shunned any other female just because—I love Kira, and I sat with Hermione almost every day during her first year before she became friends with Harry and Ron. So, while I've talked to and been friendly with girls, I never really considered myself friends with them.

                  Now, sitting on the sofa in the Hufflepuff common room across from Julian, I realize how much Vee changed me. These past few months have been odd without her, to say the least. Julian and I were by ourselves for several years before we met her, but our dynamic has changed completely now, and with her gone I just feel strange.

                  "I knew we were going to be friends," I say, lazily flicking my quill around. Julian is supposed to be helping me with Herbology. He isn't. "That first day, on the train, I could just tell."

                  "Mind if we sit here? All the other cars are full," Julian says in a high voice—I can't remember who said that so I'm not sure if he's mocking himself or me. He smiles a little, looking down. "If she was nervous for her first day, you couldn't tell."

                  I shake my head, grinning. "All three of us are confident, sure, but she is in a different way. I mean, she has her insecurities like everyone else, but she doesn't cover them up by being arrogant or selfish. She always cares about people."

                  Julian is silent for a moment, his smile fading. "I like to think that's what's getting her through this. That she's coming back to us."

                  Nodding, I take his hand quietly. He flushes, and I grin. "Julian Bainbridge, is that a blush I see?"

                  "All thanks to you, sunshine," he replies instantly, and I flush again.

                  Eventually, we get back to Herbology and he finishes it for me. It's moments like these when I remember exactly why he's a Hufflepuff. He strokes my hair—almost subconsciously, I think—as I write out my work, pointing quietly at a mistake and grinning when I correct it with no prompting from him. He kisses my forehead when I'm finished and then walks me back to Gryffindor Tower, excitedly discussing in hushed tones what information we should tell Vee about first ("Yes, Allie, I know the Order is important, but don't you think Vee would care more about the fact that the kitchens are no longer supplying blueberry muffins unless by special request?" The answer, by the way, is that Vee would definitely care more about the muffins.)

                  "Okay, here we are," I say, stopping at the bottom of the stairs to the girls' dorm.

                  "It might let me up this time!" Julian protests, glaring at the stone staircase. As much as I wish it was an old wives' tale, it is true that the stairs turn into a slide if guys try and go up—most of the time.

                  Julian stretches, exhaling hard as he jumps up and down. He pauses for a moment, and without warning he squats and jumps up to the third step, teetering on his tiptoes as he waits for the inevitable. It doesn't come. Triumphant, he stands on the staircase, having defeated it, and marches me all the way up to my door, saying goodnight to me.

                  I grin and say goodnight back, closing the door behind me as I tie up my hair. All of a sudden I hear a loud crash coming from the end of the hallway, and I fight the urge to laugh because I know the sandy-haired boy who's just gone shooting down the slide-staircase will hear me as my giggles ricochet off of the stone.

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