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The four skaters sat in the car, on their way to wherever they were going. Victor and Josephine were deep in conversation while Yuri and Joanna sat awkwardly. Eventually Victor and Josephine stopped talking and Joanna noticed Yuri glaring at her.

"Perché mi hai fatto venire." Joanna said to Josephine. why did you make me come.
Victor and Yuri just looked at her with utter confusion

"Perché ci sarà da divertirsi e si deve fare amicizia." Josephine replied. because it will be fun and you have to make friends.

"io non bisogno di amici, soprattutto uno come lui." Joanna huffed and crossed her arms. I do not need friends, especially one like him.
Victor and Yuri noticed her change in attitude and Yuri began to glare at her again.

"вести себя и действовать хорошо." Victor said to Yuri in Russian. behave and act well.
Yuri just huffed and rolled his eyes at Victor.
The rest of the car ride was silent but Joanna liked it that way.
They all climbed out of the car but before Lena walked in the door, Josephine grabbed her arm and said 'Comportati e cerci di essere amichevole'. Behave and try to be nice.
Joanna just scoffed and continued to enter the restaurant.
They say down at their table as Victor and Josephine yet again found something to talk about. Yuri just stared at his phone and completely ignored Joanna's presence. All she did was look down at her feet and quietly sigh.

To say the dinner was awkward would be an understatement. It was torture for Joanna but of course Josephine loved it. Her and Victor seemed to get along perfectly and acted like they knew each other forever.

Joanna's experience was completely different. If Yuri wasn't ignoring her, than he was glaring at her. She felt extremely awkward and just wanted to leave, so when the time came that they had to leave, she felt unbelievably relieved.

"I had an AMAZING time, didn't you Jo?" Josephine beamed. Joanna just groaned and threw herself on the bed.
"I guess no then." Josephine giggled at Joanna's response and sat down beside her.
"He hates me for NO REASON" Joanna yelled into the pillow. It was really muffled but Josephine still understood.
"Victor says he's always like that." Josephine nervously attempted to comfort the angry girl.
"How the fuck does he even have friends then?" Joanna questioned angrily.
"He doesn't," Josephine stated.
"Victor says he doesn't have many friends because he's always travelling. He likes to focus on skating and really doesn't want friends."

"Oh." Joanna sighed. She felt guilty for judging him but he still treated her like shit.
Joanna just put her head in the pillow again and let out an even louder sigh.
"Victor also told me to ask you if you'd try to be his friend. He said he really needs it. All he has is a cat or something." Josephine looked at her with pleading eyes.
Joanna internally groaned when she mumbled an 'okay'

This was going to be an interesting trip.

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