142 11 3

5 AM

Joanna was woken up at 5 AM and she was pissed off.

"Joanna! Joanna! Joanna! Joanna!.." Josephine shouted repeatedly in Joanna's ear. Joanna groaned in response and covered her head with her pillow. Josephine just continued yelling her name until Joanna finally gave up.

"Okay! Okay..." Joanna sighed pulling herself out of bed. She picked out an outfit consisting of boyfriend jeans, a light pink t-shirt and a green jacket. She walked into the bathroom and began to get changed when shepherd Josephine talking to her.

"You excited?" Josephine said as she sat down on the un-made bed.

"Uh, I guess. What about you?" Joanna replied as she finished her make-up and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hell yeah! It's gonna be so cool! Paris is the city of love!" Josephine exclaimed as she threw herself back onto the bed with a loving sigh.


"Don't be salty just because you've never experienced love." Josephine smirked at the now pouting girl. Joanna was about to counter her statement but was cut off by knocking at the door. She stood up off the bed and opened the door to see a smiling Victor and a scowling Yuri.

"Good morning!" Victor beamed as he and Yuri entered the suite and sat down on the couch. Joanna just smiled and shut the door after them. Josephine walked out of the bedroom and began talking to the two Russians as Joanna was on her phone. She scrolled through instagram slowly until she found a certain profile.


His instagram profile consisted of pictures of him, cats or him with cats. She was barely able to hold in a giggle when Josephine says it was time to go. She quickly hit the 'follow' button and put her phone in her pocket.

Victor attempted to make small talk with Joanna as they sat on the train beside each other. There was an undeniable awkward atmosphere but Victor chose to ignore it.

"Do you have any pets?" Victor asked as he let his head rest on the palm of his hand. He looked genuinely interested and that made Joanna smile.

"Yes! Two.  dog and a cat." Joanna answered with a smile. She noticed as she mentioned cats, Yuri's attention diverted towards them.

"Isn't that a bit weird? Having both a dog and a cat? There like sworn mortal enemies." Victor stated with a confused expression. Yuri was still listening to the conversation, awaiting for the Italian girl to answer the question.

"Not really. It kinda was at the start. They hated each other but realised that there really was no point on hating each other considering they'd be spending the rest of there lives together," Joanna rambled on. "Now McLovin and Trevor love each other."

"Please don't tell me you called your cat Trevor."

Joanna looked up at the boy with an obviously fake offended expression. She was kind of shocked that he initiated a conversation with her but she'd take what she could get.

"Is Trevor not a good cat name?" She giggled, raising an eyebrow at Yuri. He looked straight at her with a smirk. He folded his arms across his chest and sighed. 

"It's not the best. And really? McLovin?" Yuri smirked at Joanna as she continued to act offended. Joanna just scoffed at his statement and crossed her arms.

"Yes, McLovin. Superbad is a really good movie, that is why my dog's name his McLovin. Plus, it suits him." Joanna stated with a smile as she leaned back in her seat.

Victor and Josephine noticed the change in attitude that Yuri and Joanna had towards each other. Victor smiled genuinly at Josephine as she smirked slyly at the two teenagers.

So much for hating each other.



i realised that i haven't updated this book a WHOLE MONTH, so since I'm still on winter break i decided to quickly write this chapter. sorry if its kinda boring, i was all out of ideas and wrote this at 3 AM.

ANYWAYS ill try update more frequently.

Hope you all had a fun and safe christmas and new year.

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