Simon's P.O.V

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  I hear my little girl cry out and turn away from my computer. There she was, shifting her body back and forth on the cot, crying pitifully.

  I walk over and bend down over her, cooing her name.

  "Is my little princess awake from her nap? Is princess hungry?" I ask her softly. She looks up at me in fear and I frown.

  I pick her up and cradle her against my chest, bouncing her slightly.

  "What is it dear? Tell Daddy what's wrong." She weakly pushes against me and whimpers.

  "Diaper." She mumbles under her breath. Because of the pacifier I nearly didn't hear her.

"Did you go?" I quickly slip a finger down her diaper and check. She squeals as I do so. I frown as I realize she hasn't used it yet.

"Baby, you've been here for almost 24 hours, you need to use the diaper." I tell her sternly. She only shakes her head and struggles against the handcuffs.

I land a quick swat to the inside of her thigh and she immediately stops moving. Her eyes fill with tears and I sigh and down on the couch.

Her lips quiver around the pacifier and I rub her back soothingly. I then reach around her head and unclasp the paci strap. It falls into her lap and I set it to the side.

"Tell me what's the matter darling, why won't you behave?" I ask her gently.

"I want to go home." She says softly and hiccups.

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