Simon's P.O.V:

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I smile down at my baby girl as we make our way up the stairs. She has finally slipped a little bit into her little space and is starting to relax.

  I bring her into her room and set her down in a baby booster seat. She makes noises of protest and tears up as I fasten the straps around her waist.

  "Shh darling, don't get upset now. How about we do some coloring, hmm? Will that make you feel better?" She hiccups slightly and shakes her head no.

  I sigh and crouch down to her level. She flinches away from me as I stroke her hair. Frowning, I pull back a little bit rest my hand on the small table.

  "What's wrong sweetheart? Tell Daddy what's bothering you."

  She slowly pulls the pacifier out of her mouth with a frightened expression and I realize what's wrong: She has slipped back out of her headspace.

  "Why am I sucking on a pacifier? What the hell is going on? Call you Daddy, what the hell do you think you're doing?" She demands softly. I quickly swat her thigh. She gasps as I do it again, and again.

  "What the hell?!" She yells at me. I swat her thigh again as she tries to hold back tears.

  "That is for every time that you have cursed today. Little girls are good; they don't curse. And they certainly do not question what their daddy has instructed them to do."

  "You aren't my daddy! You aren't my father! You're just some scary dude that kidnaps teenage girls and makes them wear diapers and sleep in cribs!"

  "Now listen to me young lady, you will not speak to me in that disrespectful manner. I am your daddy; your caretaker. The man that loves you more then life itself. I am here to help you. I will not tolerate this behavior and will not hesitate to spank you. Is this understood?"

She quickly nods, but scowls down at the coloring book.

"I don't like coloring." She states with a pout. I chuckle softly and put the stuff away.

"Then what do you want to do darling?"

  "I wanna go home." I sigh and scoop her up into my arms. She squeals in surprise before trying to push away from me. I cluck my tongue at her and readjust my grip.

"How about we take a nap? You'll feel much better after a bit of rest." I say and bring her over to her crib. She whines and kicks her legs.

  "No, leave me alone you creep! Put me down! I just wanna go home!" May wails, but I still lower her down onto the crib cot.

I shush her gently as I fasten the straps and cuffs around her legs and arms, and then connect the wrists to the loop at the waist.

  May's tears continue to fall, but her screaming stops gradually. I sit by her and rub her back until she finally nods off to sleep. I quietly close the crib top and lock it. Once I know she won't climb out I'll remove the top, but I don't know long that will be.

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