May's P.O.V.

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I knew that I was being fussy, but I couldn't help it. Nothing he was doing was making me feel any better.

Daddy had been walking me around for hours but I was still cranky. I didn't know what I wanted but it was obvious that he wasn't giving it to me.

I screamed in frustration when he tried to put me down on the mat in the living room. Daddy simply sighed and lifted me back onto his hip.

In the middle of my sobs, the doorbell rang. Daddy whispered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like "thank god."

He walked us over to the door and opened it.

There stood a tall woman in a tight black dress and a doctor's coat. She was really scary looking and it shut me right up. I hid my face shyly in Daddy's neck.

I am sorry, I know that this is unfairly short. I am working on the next part right now!

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