Leo: Chapter 1

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Ever since Master Splinter granted each of the turtles an hour of surface time to themselves, Leo hadn't quite enjoyed it. There wasn't much to being a leader if he was only leading himself. Sensei called the personal surface time 'training', so godammit, he was going to train. 

Even if there was no real point to it, he could still patrol. At least a little. Every crime prevented is one more that isn't committed, right? 

Leo wasn't running across rooftops as fast as he could, since there was no real hurry. Just sort of... meandering over top, checking out the sights of the city. He caught so many more details when he wasn't in a rush. People called it fake, artificial; but it was still beautiful. 

Except for the parts people generally avoid, like the neighborhood he was entering at the moment. It looked shady. If he had to guess where most of the crimes in the city were committed, he'd probably guess this general area. But that meant that it was the perfect place for a hero to be. 

Leo stopped and sat at the edge of a building somewhere in the middle of the road. He let his legs dangle over the edge and planted his palms beside him. The city around him wasn't quiet, and he doubted it ever would be, but it was pretty quiet right then. Leo closed his eyes and sighed happily. Maybe the personal time wouldn't be so bad. If a seedy place like this street didn't need a hero, nowhere he was willing to go that night would. 

Just as Leo was entering a state of immovable bliss, a piercing shriek rang out through the night air. Leo's eyes snapped open, and he jumped off the ledge, removing his twin katanas. He glanced up and down the street, looking for who, or what made that shriek. 

The street was empty. No alleys, but at least five apartment buildings. He listened closely, trying to locate the origin of the sound. There were smacking sounds, and more screams. Leo's heart leapt into his throat. He would never forgive himself if he never found the person who was obviously being beaten half to death. 

He sprinted up all the fire escapes of all the buildings, checking each window cautiously. After all, the personal time was granted on the one condition that they were not seen. Leo decided that if the time came to be spotted, he would have to. Sensei would forgive him if it was for the greater good. 

As Leo was checking the last building, the screams stopped, as did the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Leo stopped moving and listened carefully. Nothing. It was as quiet and peaceful as it had been when he first came to this street. 

A minute or two later, you stumbled out the street door of the building Leo was still standing on. You were wearing a large hoodie that covered most of your face and went down past your knees. Leo could see you were wearing sunglasses, even though it was the dead of night. He wondered how in the hell you expected to see, unless... unless you were trying to hide something. A switch flipped in Leo's brain as he put two and two together. The screams he had been so desperately tried to find... they came from you. 

Leo re-sheathed his thin swords and leaped down from the fire escape, landing a few paces behind you. He cautiously tapped you on the shoulder, trying his best to not look threatening. If it had been you screaming, you were probably quite on edge. Which Leo found out when you nearly jumped a foot in the air and whirled around. 

Leo jumped slightly at your shock, clearing every idea he had of what he could say to you. 

"Um, are you okay?" He asked, softly. You glared at him venomously. 

"Giving me a freaking heart attack isn't the way to find out!" You exclaimed. You turned on your heel and continued the way you had been going. 

"Pardon me for being concerned when I heard excessive screaming." Leo countered, not having moved. You turned back to face him, but kept walking. 

"You're excused. Now stay out of my life!" You yelled, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. You turned back around and started running back home. Leo never moved, just stood where you had been, noticing that you never denied that it had been you screaming. There was something amiss, and Leo was determined to find out what. 

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