Leo: Chapter 2

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Leo couldn't get you out of his mind. Your screams echoed through his memory and flashed through his brain, shaking him from all possible focus. Instead of meditating, he paced the dojo, fretting about you. 

Master Splinter watched his eldest son walk back and forth across the floor, wearing down the already weathered carpet. Leo's hands were clasped behind his shell, his eyes downcast. Flashes of your face appeared in his mind, looking both scared and scarred. And then going tough when he tried to help. You weren't scared of him, but you were scarred of whatever you had encountered within the building.  Of course, it hadn't been easy to tell with those dark sunglasses on. They were enormous, covering almost the entire upper half of your face. There was no reason for sunglasses that big during the day, let alone at night. You were hiding something, probably an injury. 

"My son, I have never seen you this tense before." Splinter said calmly, deciding it time to intervene before Leo wore a hole into his path. Leo looked up at his master and sighed. 

"I haven't been." He admitted. 

"You've said little since your outing yesterday. I sense something you saw troubles you." Splinter continued, stroking his long beard. 

"There is- was. Master, I heard screams...someone being beaten." Leo said quietly, looking down. "And I couldn't stop it." 

"Did you find the victim?" Splinter pushed. 

"I think so. But I was too late. I only found her once she was let go. She was wearing big sunglasses, like she was hiding an injury. I tried to ask if she was okay, but she yelled at me and ran." Leo recounted sadly. 

"You disobeyed my rules, Leonardo... but you did so with good intentions." Splinter mused. 

"Sensei, I'm worried about her. I can't get her out of my mind." Leo said, his throat tight with approaching tears. Splinter laid a hand on his son's shoulder. 

"Go. Find the girl. You will not have peace of mind until you have answers, I realize that. Leaders must be focused, Leonardo. Remember that." Leo smiled up at the old rat, and bowed deeply. 

"Hai, Sensei." He dashed out of the dojo and started running back to the neighbourhood where he had seen you, leaping rooftops, his feet barely touching the concrete at all. His face was set in an expressionless stare as he sprinted, the ends of his bandana whipping around his head. He only broke pace as he looked around the familiar dangerous-looking street for the building he had seen you walk out of. 

His eyes settled on the familiar ragged brick building with a rusty fire escape. This was it. He had climbed up and dwn the outside of this building almst 24 hours ago. Smiling to himself, Leo settled on the edge of the building, one knee bent in preparation to leap. And now he was ready. To investigate a scream or to interrogate you if he spotted you. 

Just as he remembered from the night before, the neighborhood was quiet; eerily quiet for being in a central part of Manhattan.  Few cars, and even less pedestrians. Like the entire street held their breath in anticipation. It was unerving. 

After what seemed like hours, Leo was starting to give up hope. You obviously didn't live in the building, and after recieving such a severe beating yeaterday, you probably weren't too keen on returning. Leo stood and surveyed the darkening horizon as he sighed. You weren't comin back here. At least not tonight. And he had wasted enough time staying in one spot. As he turned to leave, Leo heard a loud voice from inside. An angry one. 

"It's fucking cold! I told you to get the food ten minutes before I woke up. Ten. Fucking. Minutes. Does this food feel like it's only ten minutes old to you?" Leo listened closely to the loud, angry voice. If something happened, he had to be ready to intervene. 

"You did wake up! I got it and you woke up 10 minutes later. You took a piss, then fell asleep." Leo heard a quieter, female voice respond. It was you. You sounded scared. Leo couldn't blame you much. 

"That's a bullshit lie." The louder voice growled. Leo heard the impact of skin on skin and a cry of pain. He grit his teeth and his eyes narrowed in anger. He couldn't jump in just yet. Shadows and secrecy had to be maintained when possible. If he had to show himself, he had to be certain that it was an actual hit. Actual pain. 

"Please! I'll go get more! I'll pay for it myself!" He heard you beg desperately. 

"Bring back double if you're paying." The other voice said, sounding calmer. Leo assumed you nodded, because the voice then declared "love you, babe." 

No more than a minute later, a familiar hoodie-wearing shape exited the building, limping slightly. Leo leaped off the building, landing a few feet behind you. 

"You can't say it was nothing. He hit you over food." He said quietly, trying not to scare you. You still jumped and spun anyway, causing your hood to fall and allowing Leo to see your face. A bruise was forming on your cheek and your left eye was swollen shut. 

"Why are you still here?" You asked, trying to sound intimidating. 

"Because I was worried. I'm a thick-headed hero who can't ignore someone in trouble." Leo said calmly, approaching you slowly, so you didn't get much more freaked out. 

"I'm fine. There's no trouble at all." You protested, backing away. 

"He hit you." Leo pushed. 

"I- I deserved it. The food was cold." You stammered, looking away. 

"You didn't deserve it, and you know it. Why do you stay with him?" 

Tears started leaking from your eyes and you fell against his plastron and started to sob. "I have no choice! I want to leave him, but he won't let me!" You cried between choking sobs. 

Leo was taken aback momentarily by your unexpected show of emotion. He tentatively wrapped his arms around your back and stroked it softly. 

"What do you mean? You always have a choice..." He murmured. 

"No, I don't. He said he'll kill my family, himself and me if I break up with him." You whimpered. Leo froze in his spot as you kept crying uncontrollably. 

"Have you called the police?" He asked, not expecting a positive response. 

"I did. They said it was just a petty teen squabble and that it'd blow over sooner or later. And that I was lucky to have a man who cared so much about me." You sniffled. Leo grit his teeth together in anger and looked down at you. You seemed so small in his arms. Like a frightened animal. One he was nearly powerless to save. If he took you back to the lair to hide, your boyfriend might  use your family to get to you. 

"Listen... what's your name?" He asked gently. 

"It's (y/n)." You murmured cautiously. 

"Listen, (y/n), I can't save you right now. You really are in a bind. But I can try to help." You looked up at the taller turtle, drying tears on your cheeks. 


"I'll protect you. And if necessary, I'll call my brothers to help me out. Whenever you go over there, call me; leave your phone on, so I can hear everything that happens. If I sense trouble, I'll come over. Or if you ever need me at all... just call. I'll be over as soon as I can." Leo promised. 

"I barely know you... Or what you are." You pointed out. 

"Hamato Leonardo." Leo took a step back and bowed respectfully. "And I'm a turtle. A mutant one, but a turtle nonetheless. I'm not asking you to trust me fully yet, I haven't earned that privilege. I'm simply offering my help." He smiled. You sighed and bit your lip thoughtfully. 

"I suppose whatever you decide to do to me couldn't be much worse... here's my phone." You handed him your cell phone and he typed in his contact info, somewhat slowly due to the big difference in size between the buttons and his fingers. 

"Here. Call me whenever you need." He gave you your phone back and started walking away. "Better hurry along, (y/n). He'll be getting hungry soon." He called over his shoulder before turning down an alley, out of your sight completely. 

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