Mikey: Chapter 1

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You really hated your brother. Even if he wasn't around, he was making your life a living hell. Even something as simple as walking home after school was a test of survival and secrecy. 

You raised the collar of your jacket as you decided to cross through the skate park as a shortcut. Since it was still daylight for another few hours, you figured that maybe you could make it through relatively unscathed. 

There were a few kids hanging around on the ramps and rails, chatting and riding. You noticed there was one kid who seemed to be hanging out by himself, but he was definitely the most skilled out of all of them.  You leaned against the lightpost at the edge of the park, watching the kid's moves. He was wearing a baggy hoodie and sweatpants that covered his entire body, almost like he was hiding something. Well, he was defintely not hiding his mad board skillz. 

You stood and watched him longer than you should have. The sky was growing dark and had an orange tinge to it. You checked your watch, panicked when you noticed the time. You started running across the park, your bag slung over your shoulder, accidentally lowering the collar of your jacket. You decided that if you had any chance of making it home before dark, you had to take the bridge, no matter the risk. 

The bridge that spanned the river between your apartment and the skate park was commonly know as Purple Dragon territory, especially to the rival gangs in the city, like the Royals, the one your brother was a part of. If you were at all related to someone in a gang, you were seen as part of that gang, no questions asked. Especially not by the Purple Dragons. 

You kept running across the bridge, but slowed down when the sight of a group of guys appeared on the horizon. The Purple Dragons were already prowling. You quickly turned around and started sprinting towards the way you had come before they noticed you. More thugs. And these ones were approaching you, smirking. 

"What'cha doin' out here, little girl?" One called. "It's past your bedtime, don't you know?" 

You stood frozen, panicking. They all had knives on them, that was a given fact, but whether or not they used them on you was a different story. Luckily, you'd been prepared for that eventuality. You retracted your hand into your sleeve and removed your own tiny blade from a secret pocket. You backed against the railing of the bridge, making sure none of them could sneak up behind you. 

"You're Andy's little sis, ain'tcha?" Another one smirked. "Have we got ourselves a mini Royal here?" 

You stared at the group, completely expressionless as you gripped your tiny blade. A skinny guy pushed to the front of the group and stared down at you. You recognized his ugly features immediately. He was Fong, their leader. He face curved into an evil smile and he leaned back on his heel. 

"Look at this, boys!" He yelled. He reached out and pulled your blade from your hand. Tossing it over the railing behind you, he started laughing. "Mini Royal had a cheese knife!" 

The rest of the Purple Dragons laughed as Fong grabbed both your arms and pulled you into the middle of the group. All of them started punching and kicking you, forcing you to your knees. You could feel their steal-toed boots cracking your ribs. The endless kicks came, pummelling you from every direction. But as time went on, the kicks seemed to become fewer. 

You dared to look up and saw the mysterious kid from the skate park was taking on the entire gang by himself, with nothing but a pair of ninja-type weapons. You felt an arm pull you to your feet and a blade press against your throat. 

"Surrender, turtle! Or the girl gets it!" A voice screamed right behind you. The kid paused in his fighting and turned to look at you. His face was mostly covered by his hood, but you could make out two bright blue eyes shining with concern. 

"Let her go, Fong!" The kid yelled, tensing into a fighting stance. 

"Very poor choice of words." Fong chuckled, shoving you over the railing, letting you fall the fifty feet into the water below. As soon as he realized what was happening, Mikey flipped his hood off to see better and made a running leap after you, preparing to have to hold hs breath. 

The Purple Dragons watched from on top of the bridge, laughing and cheering amongst themselves. From below, you tried to paddle up to the surface, but your injuries from the beating shot through your veins, sending shocks of pain through your system. The water slowly entered your lungs, causing you to black out. Mikey swam after you through the dark and polluted water and eventually dragged you to the surface. 

He layed you down at the entrance of a sewer tunnel and tried frantically to make you open your eyes, to show any sign of life. Tears came to Mikey's eyes as his attempts to revive you wore on and you still wouldn't wake up. In complete desperation, he scooped you up into his arms and started running for the lair, looking for the help of his family.

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