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*emily's POV*
"I seriously can't believe I got detention for 3 fucking hours" I complained to my best friend Camilla
"Hey look on the bright side at least you'll be in the same class as the sexy teacher for 3 hours"
" omg shut up cam"
We giggled and headed to PE
I opened my locker to get my swimsuit on and I grab cam and we head to the pool
"On your mark"
"Get set"
I jumped in and swam as fast as I could
Once I made it to the other end I realize I was the only one there I beat everyone else
"Congrats Emily you're time was 60 seconds"
Everyone started clapping and I got the rest of the period to do anything I wanted
"Phew I'm glad next period is a free period" I thought
I hung out with cam at the pool
Next period I decided to keep swimming
After 20 minutes I decided to get out and shower
I was the only one left in the locker room
I took of my suit and grabbed my shampoo
When I closed my eyes I felt like someone was in there with me
Then I felt tapping
I opened my eyes to see fucking Cam
I screamed and she laughed
"haha I got ya"
"Oh my fuck Camilla I thought you were a pervert or something"
I rinsed the last of the soap off of my body and grabbed my towel
"So what are you gonna do with Mr.Dolan"
"Oh shut it"
I did my make up and we rushed to 3 period
Once I got to my seat Mr. Dolan passed out our history tests
*grayson's POV*
I saw her walk in and I don't know what it was but she looked twice as hot as she did this morning
I got up and passed back the history tests
*emily's POV*
Once he got up I couldn't help but stare
Then I noticed something
"Omg" I thought
"He has a boner"
I stifled my laugh and I told cam
She laughed
When he came around to me I calmed my self and took my test
"Woah I got an A+"
He smirked and I blushed
"Why does he have to be so fucking
sexy" I thought
I bit my lip and thought about him
"Oh Mr Dolan" I moaned
I snapped out of that thought when he started teaching
He kept staring at me the whole time
*grayson's POV*
"Man she's so innocent I can't wait to take that away from her" I thought

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