Rain: 2min

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Heavy water droplets pounded like drums against the glass windows. Thunder roared powerfully every 10 or so seconds right above the 6 floor apartment complex. The power was out, but lightning was so bright they didn't even need candles or flashlights.

Taemin laid on their loveseat. It was brown and leather; Minho had found it at a second hand store and picked it up for 20 dollars. It had two cushions and was so worn but so loved. Taemin wore fleece pajama pants that belonged to Minho at some point. Judging by the red and green plaid, it was believed that they were a Christmas present a few years ago. He also had on a large white tee shirt.

Minho was at the dinner table. He was in the midst of a term paper before the storm at begun. His lap top was completely charged when he started but with the power out, Minho's computer struggled to live at 3%. He saved every sentence.

With hands clasped around a ceramic mug filled with lukewarm cocoa, Taemin heaved a sigh.

"Minho, it's raining."

Quick fingers typing away stopped immediately. "What did you say?" When Minho asked, Taemin repeated himself.

"Sweetheart, I am very aware of what's going on outside." Minho gave up, closing the computer. He leaned back into the mahogany dining chair.

"If you're so aware, why are you over there on your computer and why are you not holding me in your arms?" Questioned an unamused Taemin.

"You know I desperately needed to finish that assignment."

"I desperately want you to cuddle with me."

"Go lie down, I'll be there in a moment. Get washed up. Brush your teeth and all that jazz."

"Sure thing, mom." Taemin set his mug on a porcelain coaster. Their coasters came in a set of four and lived in the coffee table that matched their mahogany dining set.

Taemin got up from the couch and made his way down the short hall way to his personal bathroom and brushed his teeth for bed. Afterwards he went to their shared bedroom and situated himself under a comforter and two Afghan blankets.

Minho showed up soon after Taemin had begun fighting sleep.
He crawled into bed with the younger after shedding his shirt. (Clothes are body prisons after all.) Strong arms found their way around the small, pale body that belonged to Taemin and Minho kissed his cheek.

"Sweetheart, I know you're exhausted. Get some sleep for me."

Minho's voice sent chills down Taemin's spine. Minho's voice was naturally deeper, but Taemin could tell he was the one who was truly exhausted.

"I will if you will." Taemin turned to face Minho, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose.

"You're sleepy too. Don't set an alarm for the morning. Let's stay in for a while longer that usual."

Minho nodded in agreement and held onto his precious kitten just a bit tighter. He closed his eyes, placing a final kiss on Taemin's forehead. With sleep on his mind, Taemin closed his eyes and drifted off to dream land as well.

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