Sleepover: OnKey

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Finally, the end of the semester. It had been long and rigorous few months and Kibum was finally able to relax and enjoy his winter break with his best friend.

They had been studying for weeks on end; it was exhausting. Jinki had been tutoring the sophomore in several subjects, spending all of his time with Kibum.

Kibum had planned a perfect night of relaxing for them. He had a movie popped into the DVD player and a stack of extra blankets that were good for snuggling; pillows were fluffed and the lighting was set on dim. The extra mattress from under his bed was pulled out and made up into a nice cloud to sleep on.

Jinki had arrived a few hours ago and now laid on his familiar pull out bed. It was practically his, he slept over at Kibum's more than his own place. He kept trying to catch a piece of popcorn with his mouth after throwing it in the air.

"Movie too uninteresting for you, Jinx?" Kibum laid on his own bed, stomach down. He struggled to keep his eyes open.

Jinki eyed him. He missed a piece and it bounced off his forehead, landing beside him. "Mm." Jinki pursed his lips. "No, I'm interested. The plot is just predicable you know?"

Kibum sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Come up here and tell me about it." Kibum hit pause while Jinki hopped up and sat next to him.

"Look at the female antagonist, okay? She's a Nazi's wet dream: Caucasian, blonde, blue eyed, thin and tall. But she has a problem. Oh! She can't find the right guy! It's really such a pity." Jinki smiled at Kibum's chuckles.

He continued. "But here comes Mr. Right. He's perfect and everything she dreamed of but who moves back into the picture? Her ex. And who does she go back with? The ex. And then the movie ends and you hate yourself."

"Jinki I think that last part is a bit intense." Kibum clasped a hand in his friend's shoulder, laughing at his dry sense of humor.

"No! Not at all. It's gonna happen. Just you watch." Jinki leaned back against the wall.

"Why don't we watch something else?"

"I'm sleepy."

"Well we can do that too."

Jinki laid beside Kibum on his bed. He pulled the blankets up to his shoulders. "Lay with me."

Kibum hesitated, but he did as so. "How come you're not going to sleep in your bed?"

"Too sleepy. I'd much rather lay with you."

"At least take your glasses off. You'll break them if you sleep with them, goofball." Kibum took off the glasses, setting them aside.

Kibum continued. "Are you going to hog my blankets?"

"You're cute when you're in distress." Jinki sighed in content, pulling the blankets over his head.

Kibum tore them away. "No, you get back here. What did you just call me?"

"Oh, I uh..." Jinki ran a hand through his hair. "I said you were uh.. cute."

"That's what I thought I just-"

"You're incredibly cute. Adorable, absolutely amazing. Everything I could ever want out of a man." Jinki sat up. "Kibum you're everything to me you're more than just my best friend I feel so strongly towards you and sometimes it tears me up inside. I've never met someone as amazing as you and I know I never will again. I really, really like you Kibum. I'm so sorry for pushing all of this on to you I dont mean to stress you out I just kind of exploded-"

Kibum placed a finger on the older's lips. "Quiet down, baby you'll wake up my parents. I like you a lot too. Now try and get some rest for me. You're far too tired." Kibum laid on his side, back to Jinki. Jinki threw an arm over his torso, holding him tightly.

"Night, Bum..."

"Sleep tight, Jinki. We can talk more in the morning."

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