Jars and Rings - SC

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Your POV

Woke up to the familiar groggy face, the same I wake up to every morning, unless the assbutt is on tour. However, usually it's his face. Spencer's face was groggy and his hair was disheveled from the night's sleep. His head was pressed against my chest, not because he's a pervert and loves my boobs, I mean that's part of it. He claims that my heart beat is his lullaby, his head gets as close to my heart as he can possible get, without ripping out my heart. Despite our rough violent sex, Spencer refuses to do that to me. Nope, I just get a frozen condom and scabs every where, like I said rough and violent. Also, saying "Mmm, daddy slit my throat." is a giant no-no as well. Spencer will hurt me, but not to that point. We flirt with the line of major injuries, but don't actually cross it.

"Morning," his voice groggy as he kisses my sternum lightly.
"Morning," I sing back to him.

His lips curl into a smile. God, he's got a great smile.

Spencer's POV

Waking up to see her staring at me. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes looking over me. My hazel eyes meets her and I speak out.

"Morning," I say lightly as I kiss her sternum.
"Morning," she says back to me in a singsong voice.

My lips curls into a smile. She was too precious for this world. She was basically me in girl form. She loves horror stuff, constantly impressed by her vast collection of Leather Face stuff. She doesn't mind me being rough as hell with her. I know this is the girl I'm going to marry. I have a plan, but I need help with it. Conor and Chad were coming over in a bit to take their third amigo with to breakfast. It was going to buy me just enough time to get the house set up.

Nearing Halloween made me excited. Our house is already a giant Halloween mess, with authentic spider webs, because when I'm not here to kill bugs for her, she leaves them be. I found something the other day to add to her collection of weird shit in jars, a baby pig with two tails and two heads and six legs. I know she's going to love it. It's going to be my gift to her before I throw my old ass on one knee and ask her to marry me.

"Chad and Conor will be here soon," I inform her.
"But you," she whines at me.
"But nothing, go get ready," I say lightly.

I move my head from her chest, which causes her to pull herself out of bed. I just admire her slightly disheveled hair and the way her shirt is tugged up a bit, exposing the bottom part of her back piece. The waves were place just right on her. She walks off to the bathroom. She's adorable, I love her.

Your POV

Getting up after Spencer moves his head to free me, was the worst thing I did. I regret it right away, I felt cold, I was missing his warmth. I just trot off to the bathroom, know the shower warmth will be a close second to his bodily warmth. I do my shower stuff, dry off, wrap my hair in a towel and back to the bedroom. Spencer was gone, probably hiding in his music room, that's where he always is if I'm not here to snuggle. I pull on comfy clothes: a bralette with matching panties, crop top with IX written on the front, my black skinny jeans, and my creepers. I pull my hair out of the towel and I pull it into a braid. I walk down the steps and I open the door to the music room, aka the basement.

"BABE?" I call down.
"YEAH?" Spencer calls back up and walks to the bottom of the stairs.
"Come give me kisses before I have to spend the day with best friends," I whimper out at him.
"Yessss babe," he says as he climbs the stairs back up.

Once he reaches the top, we share a kiss. His lips are so soft all the time! Kissing him makes the butterflies erupt and go insane. He pulls away when air became necessary. Soon to follow was a knock on the door.

"That's them," I whisper to him.
"Have fun," he says happily.

I give him one last little peck before I go to the door. I grab my purse. I open the door and Chad and Conor cheered. They carry me out of the house. I look back at the door. Spencer is just laughing and he closes the door.

Spencer's POV

Once I get the door closed, I go back downstairs. I finish wrapping her gift. I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring. Small diamond on a gold band, gold suits her skin tone more. I walk back upstairs all the way to bedroom. I put the gift on the dresser. I put the ring box on my nightstand. I go shower and change. I start to get the house picked up and I take time and make her vegan cookies, her favorite. I end up eating some dough and like three cookies once they're done, a dozen became nine. I put the cookies on a plate and put them next to her gift, which got relocated to the coffee table. I also slip the box into my pocket. My jeans were sort of tight, so I hope she wouldn't notice. I know she was gonna be home soon. I sit on the couch as I wait for my baby girl to get home.

Your POV

I get back to the house. I thank Conor and Chad endlessly. They said it was no issue. I open the door and I see Spencer on the couch, watching trash on TV.

"Hey baby!" I cheer.
"Hey babe!" he says as he turns off the tv. "I made you vegan cookies and I got you a gift."
"What? You didn't have to!" I say as I look the gift. It was an odd shape.

I eat a cookie as I unwrap the gift. Oh my God, it was a fucking deformed pig conserved in a jar. It was so perfect. I squeal as I get up and I put it on the book self with the others ones. I turn around and see Spencer on one knee.
"What?" I say.
"I love you y/f/n. You're the best girl in the world. I love waking up next to you every morning. Your heart beat is my lullaby. I love that you love strange things like these things in jar and Leather Face. You drive me insane with the way you act. You're so damn cute with everything you do. You make me believe in love. I want to know if," Spencer says as he pulls out a box and opens it to me. Oh my God, it was so gorgeous. "Will you marry me?"
"Of course...yes, yes," I answer him.

Spencer pushes the ring on to my hand. He gets up and kisses me softly. He was the most amazing man in my life.

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