Day Out - DS

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"Denis," You whine as you wake up and feel his side of the bed.

No Response.

"Denny?" You whine then finally get up.

As you walk to your kitchen, you can hear Denis singing quietly to the song playing in his headphones. You see that he is cooking breakfast for you two. You come up behind him and toss your arms around his waist. You smile as you snuggle your nose into his back. He smiles as he feels your arms around him. He pulls out his headphones.

"'Ello Love," He greats you.
"What're you cooking babe?" You ask sweetly.
"Jam and egg sandwich," He answers.
"Sounds good," You say.

You release him, so he can finish making the food. You get out plates for him and set up the breakfast nook. You pour yourself some juice and him some juice. He comes to the breakfast nook with the plates that have the sandwich and rest over eggs. He puts them down. You sit down, he sitting down across from you. You two engage in small talk as you eat and drink your juice. You tell him about all the fun things you want to do: shopping, stop by the animals shelter, watch the new season of Orange Is The New Black, etc. He thinks they are wonderful ideas. After you two are done eating, he cleans up while you are getting ready for the day. Once you are in your room getting dressed, he sneaks into the shower. You finish getting dressed and you sit down at your vanity. You do your make-up. Denis always says you look beautiful without your make up, but it's one of your hobbies. You pull your hair into a pony tail and curl the ends. He comes out of the shower by the time you are half way done with your make up. He gets dressed. You slip on your TOMS and he his vans. You grab your essentials; phone, lipstick, wallet (All of which you throw in your purse). He manages to attack your face with kisses, distracting you from finding your lose paper money. You laugh at his cuteness.

You two finally arrive at the mall. You two go to the coffee place. You get you frapé and he gets some weird tea thing. You pull him into the make up store first, which is his least favorite store. You noticed you were running low on contour stuff and your favorite lipstick. You stand there looking at all the lipstick, deciding why the hell not and getting a new shade and your favorite. Denis tosses his arms around your waist from behind and rests his head on your shoulder.

"Do you think I'd look good in deeper shades or lighter shades?" You ask him.
"Uhhh, I feel like deeper shades would pop since you are so pale," He says.
You grab your favorite color then looks back at the lipsticks, "Maybe I should get a stain," You mumble.
"A stain would work with dinner parties," Denis says.
"Okay," You say, surprise at his input through this journey.

You two travel to the stains and you find the perfect one right away; it's close to your favorite lipsticks. You travel to the contour section a little ahead of Denis. He finally reaches there. He clings to the side of your body, giving you head kisses from time to time. You finally grab the one you want. You two go to check out, in which Denis pulls out card and pay for the make up. You two leave the store and you shove the bag into your purse. You drag him to a clothes store. You look at dresses. He smiles as he points to the dress he likes, however it comes in mustard yellow. (GROSS! You think.) You found the cutest dress. You drag Denis into the changing room and try on the dress.

"Wow," He simply says.
You feel your blush reddened your cheek, "Thank you," you mumble shyly.

You change back into your clothes. You two go and buy the dress. Again you shove the bag into your purse, reason you grabbed your big purse. You two walk around the mall. Nothing else catches your eye. You two sit down on one of the little couches malls have around. You manage to cuddle yourself into him.

"We should have a dinner party tomorrow," You say.
"We should get a caterer," Denis says.
"Alright, I can wear my new dress and my new lip stain," You point out.
"You need new shoes to wear with that dress," He says.
"Nah, I've got plenty of shoes that'll match."

You two sit there for a bit then you finally convince Denis to give you a piggy back ride to the car. He lets you jump on his back and walks you two to the car. Y'all get in and he drives you home. You were mentioning how much you really wanted to watch the show.

Once you two get there. You two get in the house and go to the bedroom. You put your new stuff away. You grab your phone and change into one of his sweat shirts, that were big on him so they were huge on you. He had just stripped out his clothes. You guys climb into the bed. You cuddle yourself into him. You start the TV show. You watch but you know Denis is just cuddling you. Y'all share kisses from time to time.

"I love you," He says.
"I love you too," You say back.
"Always?" He asks.
"Always," You answer.
"Good," He says with a smile.

You two watched Orange Is The New Black until you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore.

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