A Little Something More - CC - SMUT

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I open the door and he automatically kisses me. I kiss him back with no hesitation. He push the door close then pins me against the door. We make our way to the bedroom. Our lips are still together. Cody pulls away. Cody peels off his shirt to expose his slightly defined stomach. It was so hot. It was just enough muscle for me. I pull off my shirt to expose my lacy bra and my hard nipples. He couldn't help but smile. I take off my bra and slowly slide it off. He watches me with admiration on his face. I press my lips to his, in which he reciprocated, as my hand works on unbuttoning his pants and pulling down the zipper. Cody works on the same thing on my jeans, but however when he gets my jeans undone he slides his hands down. His middle finger on his right hand strokes my semi hard clit, his left hand sliding to hold my ass. He earns a moan from me when he works on my clit. I feel my panties moisten with his actions. God, this was the best foreplay I've had. My hands totally stop what they are doing. Our tongues intertwining. He then uses his ring finger to stroke my clit gently as his middle finger dips down to my cunt, getting moist from my wetness. I feel his lips curl up into a smirk. He pulls his hands out and pulls away from the kiss. He throws me across the bed and quickly pulls my jeans down. I whine with neediness as I kick my jeans to the floor. He starts to pull down his jeans, his bulge obviously noticeable. I lean up on my elbows to watch him. He pulls down my panties to the floor, making me 100% exposed to him. He just smiles at me. I reach over to the bedside table. I pull out a condom. He leans over me and takes it from me. Cody places the top of the wrapper in his mouth as he quickly rips it open. He pulls down his boxers to his ankles and does a weird move, I assume he kicked them off his ankles. I smile at him, he's so adorable. He gets on his knees on the bed and slides on the condom. He doesn't lose eye contact with me as he slides my hands into his. I look up at him as he slides his erection inside of me. I let out a small moan as he slides in. He starts to pick up the pace as he keeps thrusting, eventually going fast and hard. Fuck, I missed this, I missed him. He repeats his actions, our sounds filing up my apartment. I moan loudly and drag my nails down his back. Fucking hell this is great. I eventually release. He releases into the condom. He slowly pulls out and pulls off the condom. He ties it close and tosses it in the waste bin. He lays down next to me. I feel tiredness wash over me. I eventually fall asleep in his arms. Fucking hell, this a mistake, I could tell. However, I do love it. I can't believe this happened.

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