The crush

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"...Love me like you do
Lo lo love me like you do
What are you waiting for..."

I sang to myself as I hopped down from my bike. My shift at work wasn't going to start till the next ten minutes(which means I'm early). Work was because of my routined life; from school, home and nothing more. The mall once in a while when I'm in the mood and that never happens except my 'friends' literally drag me out.

I'm Ellie, Elliana for full, college student(2nd year) studying psychology, I'm 5'7(quite tall), dark, full hair...who cares?
I got my job and everything remained the same. It got worse cause I was always tired and less time for myself. So, today I was going to resign. 


I saw Louis working by the counter, I said hello and went straight to the manager's office at the back. It was too easy, I had it all planned in my head. Walk in and tell him you're done. Yep! That was my plan and of course it wasn't one.
"Almost there" , I said to myself before his door opened wide with him grinning from chin to chin and obvious happiness in his eyes. I turned to go back when I noticed the other person coming behind him. He was heavenly!
My mouth fell wide as I was staring.  He was so damn foooiiine! I couldn't take my eyes off him. He closed the door and it made an unnecessary loud bang that snapped me out of my day dream. I literally ran to the entrance of the staff only toilet to avoid them seeing me. I peeped out when they were passing to have a good look at him again. He was tall, dark (darker than dark and as they say the darker the berry the sweeter the juice) well suited up, his laugh was gracious and his walking step was perfect. I came out from 'hiding' still staring at his back and shaking my head to make the sight permanent (you know make it sink and stick). They were about to make the bend that leads to the cafetaria itself when he turned to face me. I froze in my spot while he stared me down and c'mon this girl is up to the task. I stared right back telling ny brain to capture his face fully but before I knew it, he smirked and disappeared round the corner.

So??? You like? Lol!
2 more chapters, thanks for reading.


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