10.4K 144 11

Hi guys!
First of all, thank you SO much. I noticed today I got 1K views in just ONE day, jumping from 4 k to 5k!!
Guys that's amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!

Second, I promised a sequel, and I have made it happen! I never thought this story would reach so many of you lovelies and NEVER thought so many would like it! It's called Jokers Flame Sequel (I know, so original right? Lol)

I wanted to bring something up though. I read a lot of fanfics on here myself and it's come to my attention that a lot of authors either rip off the original quotes/storylines of the various Batman games/series OR they copy each other's work!
I literally read two stories today and I swear, they were the exact same. And I could tell where one author copy/pasted another authors work and when they wrote their own fill ins, it was in broken English.

If any writers are reading please, please respect each other's work. I cannot stress enough how difficult it is sometimes to think of content interesting enough to keep a reader glued to the story.
Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's not.

I promote creativity and I support it fully.

Thanks again guys!!

Hurt me: Joker's flame Where stories live. Discover now