Damon Salvatore X reader

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"Damon!" You squeaked as he ran into the bathroom where you were showering, and stole your clothes which you had been planning to change into when you got out. You were left with just your towel, which you wrapped around yourself after turning off the water. Coming out of the bathroom, you found him on the second story, looking over the railing while he held your pajamas in one hand.

Damon was a vampire, and though you weren't, you were Elena's sister, so you hung around their house pretty often.

"Damon, give me my clothes!" You demanded. 

He looked at his hand and pretended to think for a moment, before simply saying, "No." 

"If you don't give me my clothes right now, I'll--"

"What will you do? Tell Stefan on me? Oh yeah, that's real mature. Fine," he said, hopping over the railing and landing gracefully back on the floor, "Here. Even though you should know better than anyone that Stefan. doesn't.  scare me."

You snatched your clothes from his hand and turned back to the bathroom to change, while Damon gave a sigh and went into the other room. 

You put your pajamas on, a fitting beige V-neck t shirt and some thicker, warmer pajama pants. Pulling your hair out of its messy bun, you left the bathroom, nearly gasping as you nearly ran right into Damon, whom you hadn't noticed.

"Watch it, (Y/N)." He said, though he didn't sound demeaning or sarcastic. 

"I'm sorry, I was just--" You began to speak, but stopped when you looked up, suddenly lost in his hypnotic eyes. Unlike he could for many others, he couldn't use that little mind control thing on you . It didn't work. But he wasn't trying to use it on you. He was studying you, watching how you moved and what your facial features were saying. 

"Your eyes are truly hypnotic." He said, and you hunted for the sarcasm in the statement, but there was none. Had he read your mind? You had just been thinking the same thing of him. 

"Me?" You said, taking a step back as he took a step forward. Each time he inched closer, you inched back, almost afraid of what he would do. Did he plan to hurt you? To drain you of blood and leave you on the ground? You cursed to yourself when you backed into the wall. Still,he came closer, then leaned down to be at eye level. 

"Damon, what are you--"

"(Y/N)," he cut you off, again, "Shut up." Next thing you knew, he kissed you, placing his large hands onto your waist. You were surprised at first, but quickly recuperated, kissing back and bringing your arms around his neck. 

You whimpered slightly when he pulled away.

"(Y/N)?" He said, moving his hands so one was now on the side of your throat under your hair, and the other was brushing a piece of hair from your face

"Yeah?" You answered.

"Don't ever try to threaten me with telling Stefan again." He said firmly, staring at you.

"Okay." You agreed, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and pulling him down into another kiss.

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