Leo Valdez X Reader

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Yo, so this was a character recommended by my friend Jinx and also i love Leo so i am excited about this one. I hope you like it! (P.S this is based loosely on a drawing by viria) Also, if you are a fan of PJO and HOO, go check out my other story, titled PJO/HOO x Reader One Shots, I am taking requests. So if you like those characters, go check it out, and f you want, drop me a request! My inbox is open!


"Darn it." You muttered to yourself as you walked toward the forges of Cabin 9. You carried in your hands the pieces of your celestial bronze knife, which had broken while you were practicing. The blade had broken off the handle. You figured surely there'd be a Hephaestus kid who'd be able to fix it. You cursed yourself when you thought of Leo. You'd tried desperately to shake the crush you had on him, but anytime the Hephaestus cabin came as a thought in your mind, he was the first one who you could think of. 

        Stepping into the forges, sweat immediately started forming on your forehead. These kids were used to this heat, but being a child of _____, you weren't. 

"Hey, Nyssa," you called as you saw her, "Could you help me out with this?" 

You showed her the broken knife.

"Sorry, I'm busy helping Harley. I think Leo's in the back, though. He'd be able to fix it." She said, then turned away. You felt your stomach flip as you headed to the back. 

Red coloring instantly crept up your face at what you saw; Leo was shirtless, cleaning tools as he sat on a low box. He hadn't noticed you come in, but for some reason, you found yourself unable to speak to announce your presence. Even your thoughts stuttered as they tried to find something--ANYTHING--for you to say. But it was too late.

"Are you checking me out?" He asked with a smirk, glancing up for a moment.

You shook your head out of its daze, "What? No. No way. I-uh... i was just going to..." 

Perfect. You forgot why you were there. What made it worse was that Leo was now standing and walking toward you slowly as he listended to you stutter. As he stood directly in front of you, you leaned back as he reached forward...and reached around you to set down the tool he held. Once you realized that that was what he'd been doing, you sighed and finally remembered why you were there.

"Right, anyway, Nyssa said you'd be able to help me. I broke my knife." You said, holding out the pieces. He still stood over you, but now looked down at the pieces of metal in your hands. Raising his eyebrows, he took them.

"Easy. I can get it fixed within the hour. But I do have other things to do, you know." He said, setting the pieces on the table behind you, next to the tool he'd been holding previously.

"Spare me the jokes, Valdez." You remarked as you sidestepped to escape him. Before you could, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a mischievous smile, "I told you I had things to do."

"Right, so I'll let you get to that." You answered.

He leaned forward and whispered, "But what if i meant you?"

You rolled your eyes, "Oh, please," you said sarcastically, though you could feel the blush on your face, "That's real funny. Where'd you hear that? Tumblr?"

He seemed confused, making him even cuter, "What's Tumblr?"

"Nevermind." You answered, "I have to--"

Before you could leave, he grabbed onto your waist and lifted you to sit on the table that had been behind you. Your feet dangled over the floor, and he stepped forward. Instinctively, you leaned back, into the wall. He kissed you, and you immediately kissed him back, tracing yiyr hands up his chest to tangle in his hair. You and he kissed for a while, before you realized where you were. Separating your lips from his, you climbed down from the table. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, reaching to grab you again.

"I don't want to get caught. Nyssa and Harley are right in the other room." You answred, straigjtening your shirt.

He groaned, "Can I see you later?"

"Nine o' clock. By Thalia's tree. And my knife?" You asked, turning to look up at him.

"Give me thirty minutes." He answered, pulling you in for one more kiss before you left.


A/N: Thank you so mich for reading this, if you are. Please, commenf some requests! I am completely open for requests, just be sure to write their name, and what shiw theyre from(so i can let you know if i know them well enough to write about) and if you so desire, a plot or situation for the story. Again, thanks for reading!

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