The Fall of the Beatles... It's Partially Brian's Fault

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  So in case you're a Beatlemaniac and you've been living under a rock for the past 50 years, then you know who Brian Epstein is. For you rock dwellers, Brian was The Beatles manager from 1961 (maybe) - 1967. Why 1967? Well, he died from an accidental drug overdose. He couldn't sleep that well so he had to take pills (the doctors also prescribed them because he was gay, and they apparently didn't know any better back then).
  Any way that's not the point, well actually it kinda is the point...
  What I'm getting at here is that it wasn't totally Brian's fault that The Beatles fell apart, but only partially. The guys were growing up, and they wanted their own lives.
           So this is all my opinion
  So John was very close to Brian, taking a holiday in Spain with him. All the guys were close to him, but John especially. When Brian died John started to drift away from the rest of the group in grief. While it kinda went away maybe something about Brian's death was biting at him. Maybe something snapped and he was just done.
  The others might have thought that they couldn't make it without their friend (Brian), so they drifted away. That happened until all that held them together was their name.

           Maybe you'll know what I mean you probably won't though. Don't feel bad, I think WAY differently than most people.

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