So let me just say that yes, this will be a rant about my husband. So some uneducated person comes into Study Hall and sees me daydreaming because I had nothing to do. Literally nothing to do! So anyway, I was of course daydreaming about Axl. When I day dream I draw pictures. I was drawing a cartoon Axl.
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So I was really liking it. This uneducated person sits directly in front of me by seating chart. (I don't know why they have them...) She looks back at me and looks at my picture, and I'm too happy to notice. She gives me this really weird look and smirks. "So you like Axl Rose?" She asks almost too nicely. I snap up all excited and am like "Yeah! Do you like him too!" "Oh no. I think he's a little girl who has gender identity issues, and if for some miracle that he is a guy, then he's obviously gay for that weird creeper Slash. Hey what's that look for? Oh! Darling I thought you knew! Oh, and he's not your husband. He never will be, so stop thinking that he is." I swear I looked at her like she just shot my dog and jumped on its dead body. I was hurt but I wasn't gonna let her see that. "Oh yeah? Well I'll have you know that Axl Rose is the nicest GUY in the world. He cares about his fans, and practically saved my life! So you can just shut your trap you uneducated swine! There is more evidence that your Justin Beiber is a girl more than there is for Axl! So you can just shut your trap!" She didn't know what hit her. She was a snitch, so naturally she told on me. I had the teacher call me back to his desk and I had to tell him what happened. He asked me if I wanted to take any of it back. I said "I regret nothing." He told me "Good job. At least someone in this class has good music taste. Extra points." I looked back at her and her mouth was hanging open. One more person who hates me XD