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Jimmy's POV
(Y/N) has been in her room for the majority of this week. I guess she's still annoyed...I mean why wouldn't she be? She has every right.
"H-Hey Casket..." I looked to the right as I was sitting on the couch and saw Nokomis. I breathed to calm myself down.
"What? What could you possibly want?" I could tell Nokomis knew I was annoyed as she stepped back. Nokomis wasn't like she was before..She was more scared, more jumpy. I sighed and nodded letting her know that it was okay for her to talk.
"I-I just w-wanted to know h-how (y/n) w-was...?" She trailed off tearing up. Part of me wanted to hug her, I was so used to being nice to everyone, but the other part wanted to shout at her...But I knew that'd get both of us nowhere.
"Look. I don't know. She hasn't come out of her room for ages..I checked around an hour ago but she just told me to go away..Why did you wanna know..?" After I asked her why, tears started to fall. Nokomis broke down in front of me. I didn't know what to do. I got up and hesitantly sat her down on the couch, me sitting next to her.
"Stop crying." More crying....
"Stop it." MORE crying.
"Shut it" More goddamn crying...
"STOP CRYING!" No more crying. Instead she flinched and put her arms up to cover her face, as if I was about to hit her. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I Hugged her rubbing her back. I had to reassure her that I wouldn't hurt her..
"I-I'm sorry for shouting. Just stop crying okay? I hate it when people cry.." I looked down at her and smiled, she returned the same smile and hugged back..At least she's not crying.
Your POV
I hate her....She killed my mother and blamed it on someone else?! Does she really think I'm that dumb...? Nobody can make you do anything! She CHOSE To kill my mum! She CHOSE to kill other innocent people! She's just twisted and can't.....Can't admit it....
She sure can't~...
"Who's there?! How'd you get into my room without me noticing...?"
Yeah! Get out of her room! Hehehehehe!~
"Stop being an idiot and come out! I can hear you!"
Yeah! Wait...HEY! I'm not an idiot!
In ya noggin sweetie~!
I'm in your head. Duhhhhhh! *Giggles*
"Oh. okay....Wait! No! That can't be right! You're messing with me!"
*Giggles again* Well, your mind IS always playing tricks on you!
"So. What's your name? -.-"
Nyx! How bout you sweetie?

I'm sorry it's short. ;-;
I'm ending it here because I have writers block....I'm sorry XD But hey! You can be crazy! BONUS! XD Welp! See ya later bunnies! Baiiiiii~

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