The Girl In Wolf's Clothing: Prologue

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     My body was consumed by a brilliant white light, which filled me with an overwhelming sense of peace. All the fear, pain and anger that held me prisoner, was now washed away. The only thing now that plagued me was the image of Luca’s face as my world disappeared around me. His eyes were filled with so much sadness and longing that my still heart ache. I closed my eyes and tried to push away the image, I didn’t want to remember him like that. I wanted to remember him when we were happy and together. A time when it was just him and me, with no one else complicating things. When it was simple and easy but now it’s all gone. Now I’m in a place where nothing and no one can hurt me, a place where I will always be safe. As I let everything fade away I was suddenly aware of something wet on my skin. I slowly opened my eyes and found fine flakes of snow landing all over me, I expected it to be freeze but I found it comforting. As I slowly pulled myself up to sitting, I found myself in the most beautiful meadow blanketed in a thick layer of brilliant white snow. It was surrounded by large tree and there was a huge lake about 2ft away from me. I rose up onto my feet and walked to the water’s edge, letting my toes dip into the ice cold water. Once again I found the cold comforting, it felt almost familiar and right. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the snow and water on my body, until I heard a voice I had longed to hear for what felt like a life time.

      “Mia.” The familiar voice said.

My eyes grew wide as I spun around and saw my mother walking towards me smiling. As soon as our met we both started racing towards each other, within seconds she was holding me tightly in her arms. Her skin felt so warm and she smelt just the way I remembered but not with my heightened senses it was more defined.

     “I’ve missed you so much.” I said resting my head on her shoulder.

    “I know darling, I’ve missed you so much too. I’m sorry I never got to tell you the truth face to face.” She said softly, pulling away from me to look at my face. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” She continued as placed her hand on my cheek, her eyes welling up with tears.

    “Don’t say sorry mum, it’s not your fault. None of it was fault.”  I replied resting my hand on hers.

I was so ashamed for her to be seeing me like this. My face and body bruised and battered, by the man she once called her mate. As if reading my thoughts, she leant forward and kissed my forehead.

    “Don’t worry my sweet you’re all healed, his mark is no longer etched on your skin. You’re free of him, you are free of him in every way.” She said placing her hand on my stomach.

    “Is this heaven?” I asked.

    “No.” she replied, taking my hand and leading me back to the lake.

    “If this is not heaven then where are we?” I asked.

     “That is not important. What is important is that it was not your time leave that world.” She answered.

     “What does that mean?” I asked, getting more and more confused.

     “I can’t tell you any more than you shouldn’t be here. You need to go back and make everything right.” She answered, her green eyes growing sad.

      “I don’t want to go; I want to stay here with you.” I pleaded, feeling a tear rolling down my cheek.

     “I wished I could stay with you Mia but it’s just not the way things are supposed to be.” She said hugging me tightly again. “I need you to be strong for me, you need to be strong for him.” she continued.

      “Can’t you come back with me?” I asked, not ready to leave her just yet.

     “I’m sorry Mia, I can’t go back. I’m not like you.” She replied.

    “What do you mean you’re not like me?” I asked.

Something seemed to grab her attention. I turned in the direction she was looking to try and figure out what it was. I was amazed to see the most beautiful white stag with piercing blue eyes, standing on top of the cliff at the other side of the lake. I was transfixed with it. Once again a sense of familiarity filled, even though I knew I had never seen anything like it before. I watched as it started to walk down the rocks, as it walked behind one rock a snow leopard seemed to have taken its place. It had the same blues eyes as the stag. Something deep inside told me that these two completely different animals were one and the same.

     “I can’t say no more, I’ve already said too much. Just follow your instincts and you’ll be safe. Just know I will always be with.” My mother said, before leaning down kissing me on my forehead once more.

As I turned to face her she was gone, it was as though she had never been there. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes but something pulled me to look back at the cliff. As I did my eyes landed once more on the beautiful snow leopard. It continued to make its decent down the rocks. Its eyes were glued on me the whole time, I watched as it crouched down and leapt into the air. I stood in amazement as I watched it shift into a glorious snowy owl right before my eyes. It was flying straight at me, its blue eyes still on me. Part of me was afraid but something deep down told me it was all ok. As it was only metres away from me it shifted once more, this time into man. A young, tall, man, no older than twenty. His eyes were just like mine and his hair the same shade of blonde. His skin was pale and his body toned, he was beautiful. As his feet touched the floor, I was frozen to the spot as he slowly walked towards me. I tried to look away from his naked body and his eyes but I couldn’t drag my eyes away. He stopped inches in front of me, looking down into my eyes.

    “It’s time to wake up Mia.” He said placing his hands on chest send what felt like electricity surging though me.

My eyes flung open, my heart pounding in my chest as I gasped for breath. I sat bolt upright, my eyes wide as I took in my surrounding. The earth was damp on my skin and I was surrounded by trees, in a forest I had never seen before. But what astonished me more was the fact that I was here, my heart was beat, I was breathing. I’m alive.      

The Girl In Wolf's Clothing (Sequel to The Girl Who Cried Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now