The Girl In Wolf's Clothing: Chapter Two Part Two

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(Luca’s POV)

     I slowly opened my eyes feeling somewhat refreshed, not quiet back to normal strength but enough to start my search. I jumped out of my bed and ran into the bathroom, I been so worried about Mia that I hadn’t bathed or showered since her body disappeared. I wanted to be as refreshed as I could before I began my search; I need all the strength I could get. I needed to be focused. Before I could start my search I needed to address the pack. I know that bastard of had always intended to pass the alpha position to me, a fact that the entire pack were well aware of. Once upon a time I wanted nothing more than to follow in his footsteps, but without my Mia by my side it meant nothing to me. How could I lead pack without my heart and soul, without my precious Luna? I know there were many alphas out there that had yet to find their mates but I had. I had found my mate; I knew what it felt and meant to have a mate and she was cruelly ripped away from me. Being alpha was no longer something I wanted; just being here was something I no longer wanted. There were too many bad memories, too many reminders here. Once I found my Mia, and I had no doubt I would, we could start over somewhere new. Somewhere far away from all heartache and pain we had both suffered. I stepped towards the shower and turned it on. As I waited for the water to warm up, I walked over to sink. I splashed some cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the sleepiness. As I looked at my reflection I couldn’t help but notice how different I appeared. I hadn’t really eaten properly since before I was locked up, Mia’s disappearance just added to it. Just the thought of food had me feeling sick to my stomach. My face was gaunt and pale and I looked aged but everything that had happened, my brown eyes looked dull and haunted. I looked like a ghost compared to my former self, I looked and felt dead and without Mia I might as well be. As the mirror began to steam up I headed towards the shower and stepped inside. Immediately I could feel the relaxing effects that the hot water had on my tense muscles. I longed for a release from this pain and suffering, to wake up and for it all to have been a dream. I knew my search could last months if not years, as there was no telling where she could be. All I knew was she was out there, out there praying for me to find her and I swear on my life I won’t stop until I do.   

 (Tyler’s POV)

     Ever since Luca had told us he had heard Mia’s voice I was filled with joy, causing the storm outside to stop. For the first time in what felt like forever the sun was shining, filling everyone with warmth. We were all sat around the dining room table debating where we should start our search and waiting for Luca to wake up. So far we had no idea where to start and which direction we should head in. we all sat silently for a while, unsure what to do next. I sat at the head of the table and looked around at everyone’s puzzled faces. Faith was cuddled up to Antonio, as per usual but recently she was even clingier. Something seemed a little different about her but I couldn’t figure it out, she seemed a little paler possibly or maybe slimmer either way she looked ill. Antonio rested his head on hers and stroked her back protectively. Just looking at them you could see they were madly in love with each other. I envied them. I wanted that, that comfort and support that only a mate could provide. Especially now, even though I was surrounded by my loved ones and friends I felt alone in all of this. As these thoughts crossed my mind I couldn’t help but look over at Layla and Lucia, there was something about those two that captivated me. As if they could sense my eyes on them they both in turn glanced in my direction. Layla was the first to look away; it was clear form her tired looking face that she had things on her mind. She had been checking up on Luca continuously, it was clear that she cared a lot about her uncle and that she would do anything to help him. Lucia on the hand kept glancing at me, with a somewhat playful glint in her eyes. She was the only one he hadn’t really taken of this too seriously; it was no secret that she had never been Mia’s number one fan. It pained me to know that she seemed unaffected by the situation at hand but it was clear that she would go where her brother went. Something deep down told me that wasn’t the only reason she seemed to hang around with us all, one more glance form her strengthened that belief. Lastly my mother and father, who were sat in between Layla and Lucia, were cuddled to each other. With Luca out of action my father had temporally been running the pack, although we all knew it wouldn’t just be a temporary for much longer. There was no way that Luca could possibly rule a pack an effectively search for Mia at the same time, it was impossible. It was just a matter now of Luca confirming this and addressing the pack on his decision to step down. As if on cue Luca walked into the room, he still looked tired and warn down but he was nothing like he was before. He made his way over to Layla and placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look up towards him and smile. A pang of jealously cursed threw me, if only I could make her smile like that. I quickly shook away those feeling and turned to look at Luca. He glanced at my father and nodded, my father nodded back at him got up from his chair. They walked out of the dining room and we all got up and followed them onto the front porch. Luca took a step forward and howled into the air making members of the pack slowly gather in front of the house. When everyone was gathered Luca stepped forward.

     “As many of you are aware I plan to go in search of my missing mate. I know many of you expect me to take over as new alpha but this will not be happening. In my eyes it’s not my position to take; the alpha position rightfully belongs to the white family. So from today Tristan white will become your new alpha, a position he should have been given years ago.” Luca said as there were gasps and cheers erupting form the crowd in front of us. “I will be leaving later today, to which I don’t know if I shall return. I wish you all the best in your lives and I know you’re in safe, capable hands.” He continued.

As he finished he turned to my father so that he could step forward and address the crowd. As my father began to speak to rest re-entered the house. I could tell by Luca’s strong and determined stance that he planned to leave straight away. When we reached the bottom of the stairs he turned to face us.

     “I don’t expect any of you to come with me if you don’t want to. I can tell you now I have no intentions of returning here. Once I find her I want to start anew, I can’t expect you to walk away from your home and families so the choice is yours. If you do wish to join me meet me on the back porch in an hour. Say goodbye to all of those you need to and gather anything think you think you need.” Luca said as he started to turn towards the back door.

Layla ran after him like I knew she would, I needn’t of doubted that we would join him on his mission. There was nothing that all of us wanted more than to have Mia back in our lives.

The Girl In Wolf's Clothing (Sequel to The Girl Who Cried Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now