The Girl In Wolf's Clothing: Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to all my lovely patient wattpad readers

Chapter One

(Luca’s POV)

     The last two weeks of my life had been complete hell. I had given up on sleep as every time I did close my eyes, I was haunted by the image of my Mia’s body falling limp to the floor. I spent most of my time searching for her, hoping I might be able to pick up on her scent. I couldn’t accept that she was dead, she just couldn’t be. I couldn’t just loose her like that, I just couldn’t. We were meant to grow old together; she was supposed to carry my pups. We were supposed to be together and happy forever. Instead I was in the dark, in my room alone staring into the night’s sky wishing she was here by my side. After seven days of nonstop searching, noting eating or sleeping, I could feel my body shutting down. The others had joined me in my search but as they watched me fade rapidly, they dragged me back to the pack house. The pack house of a pack I no longer belong too, a pack without an alpha. Many pack members were requesting I took the role of alpha but how could I rule without Mia by side? How can I rule without my Luna? Layla had tried to talk me into it a couple of times but instead I locked myself away in my old room. It wasn’t her fault and I knew after everything she had been through, the last thing I should be doing is pushing her away. I just couldn’t deal with anything or anyone right now; I just needed to be alone. For the first time in my life I felt weak and scared, being locked away in the basement felt like a holiday compared to the pain I felt right now. My life was over. As the rain gently hit my window, signally that Tyler too was suffering; I got up from my chair and stopped in front of my window. I watched as the droplets of water slowly sliding down the glass, loosing myself in the simplicity of it. My exhausted mind drifted to the women I loved and lost, picturing her face smiling at me. Seeing her happy and laughing. As I let mind begin to wonder even more, I started to picture an entire scene. She was sat on the porch with a swollen belly, smiling down at young boy. A boy with my hair and her eyes. As a smile slowly drifted onto my face the scene slowly disappeared, bringing me crashing back to my meaningless reality. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. I know it’s a sign of weakness but I had nothing left. I dropped to my knees and cradled my head in my hands. As I gave myself over to my tears and pain, my heart began pounding and racing in my chest. Beads of sweat started running down my forehead; my breathing was becoming more laboured. I gripped my head as a shooting pain pierced through my skull.

     “Luca, Luca where are you?” Mia’s voice filled my head clear as day.

It wasn’t a memory or my imagination it was here, I knew it was here. I felt it deep down inside. As the pounding in my head started to subside, I started to panic. I could feel her slipping away from me.

     “Mia, Mia.” I shouted. “Where are you? Please tell where you are. Please don’t leave me, stay with me Mia please stay with me.” I cried out.

Seconds later my door burst open. Layla, Tyler and Faith all came racing towards me. I felt Layla kneel down beside and she wrapped her arm s around me.

     “Luca are you ok?” she asked, her voice dripping with concern.

     “No I’m not. She’s out there Layla, I know she is I heard her, she mind linked with me.” I replied, turning to her with startled eyes.

     “I know Luca, I heard it too.” She said.

     “We have to find her; she’s all alone out there.” I replied, trying to pull myself up to my feet but my legs buckled, sending me straight back down to the floor.

     “We Will Luca I promise but you need to rest first, you’re way to weak right now Luca.” She said showing her concern.

     “No we need to find her now.” I said trying to get up again.

Once again I my legs gave way but this time as my body hit the ground my world was consumed by darkness.


(Mia’s POV)

      My heart was still pounding as I looked around my surroundings, hoping and praying I would find something familiar. For anything that I might recognise but there was nothing. I started to shiver, realising that I was sat in the mud completely naked. Feeling cold and vulnerable I started to cry. I had no idea where I was or why I was here, I didn’t know what to do. As I began to cry even more, I brought my knees to my chest hugging them tightly. I closed my eyes and tried to make a connection with Luca or the others but no matter how much I tried i couldn’t. There was nothing, my mind was silent and it scared me further. I had grown used the constant communication, now the silenced just proved to me how alone I really. My head began to pound as I tried to concentrate on the connection once more. After another minute or two I gave up, the pain became too much to take.

     “Luca, Luca where are you?” I sobbed.

I knew he couldn’t hear me but I couldn’t stop myself. I needed him right now. I knew with him I would feel safe, after all by his side was where I belonged. We were made for each other in every way and now we were apart, separated by god knows how many miles and I felt so incomplete. As I continued to sob the faint sound of wings flapping filled my ears. I slowly lifted my head, spotting a familiar looking snowy owl on a branch in front of me. I looked at it trying to understand why I recognised it but when I saw its beautiful blue eyes, it all came flooding back to me. It was the owl from my dream or vision, whatever it was. It was looking right at me, straight in my eyes. I felt as though it was looking straight into my mind, reading my every thought. As I slowly rose to my feet and walked towards it, it flew away. Something deep inside was telling me I should follow it. I started to run as fast as I could, trying to keep up with it. Jumping over a fallen tree, I shifted in mid-air finding the extra speed I needed to catch up with it. Eventually it stopped, landing on another branch a metre or so away from a lake. Seeing the glistening, moon lit water suddenly made me realised how thirsty I was. I sprinted over to the lake and started lapping it up, it wasn’t the cleanest water in the world but right now I didn’t care. Once I had had my fill I lifted my head and turned back towards the tree but the owl was gone. I started to think that maybe I was wrong about the owl; perhaps it was just an ordinary owl. Perhaps it just flew here by coincidence and I wasn’t supposed to follow it. Yet deep down I knew I meant to, there was more to the owl than meets the eye. As I stood by the water’s edge looking out into the trees it started to rain. Spotting a bush and few metres away, I headed towards it and crawled beneath it for shelter. I decided I would be safer in my wolf form, as I would be able to keep myself warmer and I wouldn’t look to vulnerable. I rested my head on my paws and closed my eyes, even though I had only been awake a short while I was exhausted.


     Sensing something coming towards me I opened my eyes and stretched my aching joints. The rain had now stopped and the sun was starting to rise, indicating that I had been asleep for quite a while. Staying under the bush I looked around quickly, eventually spotting movement in the distance. Crawling deeper under the bush I tried to hide myself even more. My eyes grew wide as a snow leopard slowly walked out from the trees and headed towards me. As it closer I could see it had something clenched in its jaw. Like the owl it had pale blue eyes just like mine, filling me with a sense of familiarity. Still feeling a little freighted I kept myself hidden but it still walked closer and closer. Stopping right in front of the bush, it sat down and dropped what it had in its mouth. It lowered itself closer to the ground and shifted itself closer to me; I froze terrified of what it might do next. I closed my eyes tightly and just hoped it would go away. Expecting the worst, I was surprised to feel its tongue on the side of my face. It filled me with a warm homely sensation, letting me know I was safe. I opened my eyes slowly as it pushed a dead rabbit towards me, it looked disgusting yet tempting at the same time. It nudged it towards me once before it started to eat its own. I laid there for the longest time just staring at the rabbit, I couldn’t bring myself to eat but I was so hungry. I turned away from it but the smell of the fresh meat filled my nostrils. As my stomach rumbled loudly I gave in and tucked in. as soon as I took my first bite my wolf took over and I slowly devoured the snow leopard’s offering. Now I just needed to figure out what or who this snow leopard was and what it was doing here. More important I needed to find out what it wanted with me, what did my dream really mean? These were all questions that I hoped to get answered.


The Girl In Wolf's Clothing (Sequel to The Girl Who Cried Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now