The girl in wolf's clothing: Chapter three

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Chapter Three

(Mia’s POV)

      My heart was pounded I stared into a pair of piercing blue eyes that mirrored my own. There was just something about them that ignited fire deep inside me. They awakened something within me, something that made me whole. I thought I had felt whole when I mated with Luca but now I know I was never truly whole until now. This scared me as I thought Luca was my everything, he was my other half, if so then why am I feeling this way now. Who is this beautiful creature before me and how can he affect me this way.

     “Don’t be frightened Mia I won’t hurt you.” The man said, his eyes never leaving mine.

     “I’m not afraid.” I replied, knowing that fear was by far the last emotion he was stirring within.

For moment we were silent just staring at one another, I couldn’t help but let my eyes roam down his glorious naked form. His toned, muscular body was just as pale as mine; he seemed to glow before me. He was the man from my dream.

      “Finished staring?” he said smirking at me.

      “I…I…I wasn’t staring” I replied quickly feeling my cheeks heat up.

      “If you say so.” He chuckled. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He winked glancing down my body.

I suddenly realised that I was completely naked. Up until now I had too lost is his beauty to even notice. Now though I just wanted to cover myself up, I could feel my blush deepening as his eyes still roamed all over me. For the first time since I looked into his eyes I felt uneasy, not afraid but uneasy.

     “Could you possible stop looking at me like a dirty perv.” I snapped wrapping my arms around myself.

He closed he eyes and shuddered slightly before looking back into my eyes.

     “For a Lycan you sure seem to be bashful.” He said cocking his head and smirking.

      “For your information this is all still very new to me but that is none of your business!” I snapped again.

     “I’m sorry Mia but you are my business, besides I already know everything about you. That fact you’re new to this world, I know about Luca, I even know about your father.” He said suddenly going wide eyed as though he had said something he shouldn’t.

     “My father? You know about father, you know who he was!” I said quickly jumping up from the ground.

This was the first time I had ever meet anyone who anything about my father. All I know is what my mother had told me in the letter and that wasn’t much. My heart pounded in my chest to think that I could finally know more.

     “Shit I’ve said too much, he’s going to kill me!” he shouted running his hands through his light blonde hair as he turned away from me.

I couldn’t help but admire his muscular back and arse for a second before his words sunk in.

     “Wait what do mean He’s going to kill you? He dead, isn’t he?” I said my voice shaking slightly as I stepped towards him.

     “I’m pretty sure your wolf of a mate won’t like you being so close to another naked male.” He said, looking over his shoulder at me.

I couldn’t help but notice the mischievous glint in his eyes. For a brief second I lost myself in them once more before remembered what I had asked.

     “Don’t try and change the subject, I want answers. Who are you and how do you know my father? And more importantly is he alive out there somewhere?” I asked placing my hands on my hips.

The Girl In Wolf's Clothing (Sequel to The Girl Who Cried Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now