The Girl In Wolf's Clothing: Chapter Two

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Hey guys i just want to apologise for the wait. I know you're probably expecting more but i've done what can for now. Once again i'm so sorry for the wait and sortness of this chapter.


Chapter Two

     I don’t know how long I had been sat under the bush, looking at the snow leopard in front of me. All I knew was the longer I sat there staring into its pale blue eyes the comfortable ant ease I felt. I felt safe; something told me that this creature would protect me. I was broken from my thoughts as it nudged my paw with its nose, it was trying to tell me something but I couldn’t figure out what. As I watched it pull itself up onto its paws I crawled out from under the bush but before I could get up it took off into the trees. I got up quickly and tried to catch up. No matter how fast I ran and no matter where I looked the leopard was gone. So much for me thinking it would protect me. I started to slow down and try and figure out which way I should go, as I had no idea where I was I had no idea. The only thing I did know, as I started to sniff around the ground, was that other wolves had been around here not that long ago. With every step I took the scents grew a little stronger, my heart began to race knowing that if I was on another packs territory they would capture me if they found me. As I’m on my own they would automatically assume I was rogue, if it was another pack it could be a group a rogues and god knows what they would do if they found me. A female all by herself would be easy prey. There is no way that I could survive if someone tried to force themselves onto me. It would crush me. Even though I knew that Wyatt was dead and he couldn’t harm me any more I still remember what he did and how it felt. Not only for me but I couldn't put Luca through that again. The only man I wanted touching me was him he was my mate the man I belonged to and he belonged to him. I whatever I do all I need is to find a way to him, to find a way back into his arms. With a new sense of determination and continued to sniff around until I found a direction in which the scents were fainter. Once I found a path I took cautiously, hoping I had chosen the right way. After a few minutes I saw the glimpse of something white in the distance, instantly feeling at ease I knew it had to be my unanimous protector. Really more relaxed I picked up my pace and try to catch up but once again it disappeared. Then again I saw another glimpse of white in the distance, whatever this creature was it was definitely showing me the way to go. As I took off again smiling internally I heard the sound of flapping above me, there high above the trees was the snowy owl that lead me to the lake. I watched as it started descend slightly into the distance and once again a flash of white was showing me the way I need to go. It plain to see now that the leopard and the owl were definitely one and the same. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear the owl squawking above straight away, I could hear something but I wasn’t paying attention. It wasn’t until I felt something hard ram into my side that I became more aware of my surroundings. I was sent flying into a tree trunk, the force of the impact almost knocked me out. I heard a loud crack as I landed on the floor and pain started shooting up and down my back and ribcage. My vision was blurry and my breathing laboured but I could make out three wolves stalking towards me. Judging by their scruffy fur and thin frames they were rogues but there was something about their eyes which told me it was something more than that. Their eyes looked crazed there was something wrong with these wolves I just didn’t know what, they looked sick. Just as they were mere metres away from me a loud growl filled the air, stopping the wolves in their tracks as they search where it was coming from. My eyes wide as did the rogues as a massive white tiger came leaping out of the trees, it charged at the wolves taking on all three of them. He gripped one by its neck snapping instantly but as its back was turned another leapt onto its back. As the crazed wolf teeth bit into the tigers back it roared and bucked the wolf off of it snapping its neck as it hit the floor. The third and last wolf whimpered backwards knowing it was no match for the beautiful tiger. It tried to run but before it got too far the tiger had hold of it and was tearing it apart. My body froze as I watched in horror at how easily this creature was killing my attackers. Something told me it was to protecting me but yet what if it now turned on me. In my injured state I wouldn’t last two seconds against it. As another wave of fear coursed through my body my body shifted back into its human form as I was too weak to stay in my wolf form. I cried in pain catching the attention of the tiger. Its head snapped round to face me, a growl filled the air as it walked slowly towards me. I tried to move to get away but the pain in my back was just too great. It looked so fierce but at the same time I had this niggling feeling that it was trying to tell me something. Not knowing what else to do I squeezed my eyes shut tight, hoping that it would just go away. I knew it was a stupid idea but I had to try something, I couldn’t just except that could possibly be the ended. I’ve got my life back, literally and now it was going over all over again. What upset me more than anything was I had yet to tell Luca I was alive that I was ok. All I want is to be with him, to have the life we were supposed to have. My body began to shake violently as the tiger’s hot breath against my face. My heart pounded in my chest, screaming me and making me feel that it might just burst out of my chest here and now. Suddenly I felt wet nudge my cheek, making my skin tingle strangely. I kept my eyes shut until I felt it lick the side of my face making my eyes snap open. I couldn’t help but gasp at what I saw before me, shocked at how easily I was breathing and how the pain seemed to vanish. I found myself staring into the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, eyes that you could easily lose yourself in. part of me deep down inside wanted to lose myself in them. Something deep down felt so right, something that shocked me to my very core. 

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