Nash <3

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chapter 13-

Selena's P.O.V

"We've been walking for a while mind telling me where we're going?" I asked Nash. We've been walking for at least an hour I'm glad I decided to wear these comfortable booties, instead of heals or something.

"It's a surprise!" He said interlocking his fingers with mine. I smiled up at him sweetly.

"Here we are" he said and I finally looked forward. I saw a short bridge over the river with five candles lit on each side.

"Wow Nash, this is so beautiful!" I gushed. He smiled and stood in front of me, right in the middle of the bridge.

"So are you" he said.

"That was cheesy" I laughed.

"Just kiss me!" Nash said and I obeyed, kissing him softly.

"What was that?" I rushed my question pulling away.

"What?" Nash asked looking around.

"I swear I saw a flash" I worried. Like what of someone followed us and took a picture. Nash laughed.

"Selena, your defiantly paranoid don't worry" he said pecking my lips.

"Okay so what are we doing now?" I asked. He's probably right it does seem kinda silly when I really think about it. It's not that realistic someone would follow us here right!?

"Well you see that tree over there?" He asked putting one of his arms around me pointing over at a large tree in the middle of this park. How do these guys find places like this in their first visit?!

"Uh yah" I said squinting at it. It wasn't to far away but I couldn't see it that perfectly you know.

"Ok now look on the ground next to it" Nash said pointing again.

"Awwwww" I said "a pic-nic? You're a little softy aren't you?" I joked. He grabbed my hand and led me over to the tree, that was covered in many Christmas lights above a picnic blanket and basket. It's amazing how close we've gotten since the tour started, can you believe we've gotten as close as being like this I mean we're practically a couple!
We'll not really but we have been mistaken for one, and we kiss, a lot, more often than just friends would. I guess you can't call this a friendship or a relationship but a flirtationship!


"Awww she's adorable Nash, it's so nice how you two are soo close" I commented about his and his sisters relationship, as we both licked our strawberry ice cream cones.

"Thanks, aren't you really close with your little brother too?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess, he's the same age as skylynn" I mentioned.

"Really? His names Liam right?" He asked.

"Yeah, we should set them up" I laugh.

"That would be so weird" Nash started to chuckle also.

"Ha why?" I said still laughing.

"Because your brother and my sister will have a little kid relationship at the same time me and you have a real relationship. It'll be a little weird" he explained. So that's it! That explanation answered everything. Nash and I are now boyfriend and girlfriend, perfect!

"Youre right. By the way You have a little ice cream on your face!" I mentioned. He actually doesn't but Im just trying to play a joke on him.

"Oh really,where?" He asked.

"Right there" I said putting my cone to his face and getting ice cream on his nose.

"On your nose" I added winking.

"Oh thats original" he laughed whipping it off.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked now we're play fighting lol.

"That you're lame!" He played.

"Oh no you didn't" I joked.

"Yes I did ha ha ha, you actually do have ice cream on your face though" he said to me.

"Yah? Who's lame now? Huh? Trying to play the same joke I just did on you!" I laughed.

"You actually do!" He said seriously.
"Don't worry though I got it" he said kissing my lips softly.

He pulled away laughing "see babe!" He joked.

"Oh look it's still there" he joked and I just pulled him over to me my hands around his neck and his holding my face in place while kissing me so so passionately.


"You're so perfect sel" Nash mumbled in between kisses as we got to my room.

I pulled him on to the bed with me as we kissed well by now I think I can call it making out. I knocked my new huge stuffed elephant off the bed as we got a little bit more intimate. His tongue traced my lips asking for an entrance and I granted it. Our tongues wrestled each others. This is really unlike me, I'm not one who gets a boyfriend and in in a hour is making out with him in her room so intimately.

He lay on top of me on the bed fumbling with the bottom of my shirt. I didn't pay much attention to it but pulled his shirt off tracing his perfectly toned abbs, still kissing his lips. He didn't spend much time doing the same to me along with my skirt. He held me so close to his body as our bare stomachs touched. He started playing with the band of my panties.

"No" I heavily breathed into the kiss. And he took his hands away keeping them behind my back, as we contained playing tonsil hockey;).

Authors note- here is the second update today you people are very very lucky. Ha ha cliffhanger! I bet you guys love this one I know U do and I also know most of y'all ship Selena and Nash, and at this point I do too. Are you guys liking Selena's Instagram so far? Do you like the girl I picked as her? So for this chapter can you guys comment witch one of Nash's vines that you think are the funniest, I'd like to hear your opinions. Spread the word about this fan fic as much as you can love you guys, vote, fan, comment, and read on.

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