This is new for me

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Chapter 14-

I yawn and flutter my eyes open, rubbing them of sleep. Nash is still here, sleeping in my bed, with me. My back against his chest with his muscular arm over the right side of my body, placed softly on my stomach. This is so comfortable, I like this, it's new to me though.... Nash and I hooked up last night, and now this morning we're lying comfortably together in my bed! I looked over at the time 7:00 still? It feels like we've been in this position forever but I don't mind, I like the feeling. I put my right hand over his on my stomach. Than I went back to sleep I might as well enjoy the comfort right?


A hard knocking at my door startled both Nash and I awake.

"Oh my god, who's that" Nash yawned in his raspy morning voice. Soo sexy!

"I'm not sure, let me check" I said throwing the covers off me, running to my drawers. I pulling out a pair of pj shorts and Nash's nashty T-shirt from the floor, and threw them on. I opened the door and Taylor was standing there with JC.

"Hey guys" I said. The door wasn't open wide enough to show that Nash was here, in my bed, that'll just be awkward for all of us.

"Hey, Taylor and I just wanted to know if you'd like to come to breakfast?" JC asked.

"Ummm yah sure uhhh" I stuttered.

"One sec!" I said closing the door almost fully; just leaving it a crack open.

"Go!" I whispered to Nash gesturing to the washroom. He got up from the bed and walked into my washroom, closing the door quietly behind him.

I opened the door fully this time

"Sorry guys, umm come in!" I said. They came in and sat on the couch I front of the TV, to wait for me to get changed.

"I'll be right back I just have to change, I'm just in the washroom if you need something okay" I explained to them, picking out some clothes from the drawer.

"Umm Selena, can I ask you a question first?" Taylor asked.

"Sure" I said.

"Is that your shirt, cause I could've sworn Nash was wearing that yesterday, when I smack camed him right before you two went on your date. By the way another question; do you happen to know where Nash is cause he didn't come back last night" Taylor asked, a thousand different excuses ran through my mind.

"Um yah this shirt is mine I like the comfort of bigger shirts so Nash gave it to me" I said kicking the pair of pants Nash was wearing last night and not currently, under the bed. Just in case they came to the other side and saw his pants lying there!

"Oh and about Nash I'm not exactly sure where he is. When we got back I just came back into my room, and he left but I don't know where" I spoke fast!

"Oh okay" he smiled and I ran into the bathroom where Nash was hiding.


"Hey sorry!" I whispered to him, when I walked in.

"It's alright, but lets keep this a secret from everyone okay. I'm not ready for a lot of people to know about us yet okay babe?" He asked, and pecked my lips quickly.

"Okay" I said and slipped on a
Pair of high waisted Capri jeans.

"By the way, you can just leave anytime after we leave okay!" I told him.

"Sure, but what do I tell everyone when I get back to the room?" He asked while he helped me get my T-shirt over my head.

"I don't know, say something like after our date you went to an open all night cafe and you fell asleep there, okay? I'll see you later, bye" I said kissing him and walked out of my washroom tying my hair up in a high pony tail. I didn't worry much about my make up cause, I haven't wiped it off from last night. It is a little messy, but I don't look like complete shit so it was okay!

"Ready?" JC asked.

"Yup lets go!" I said and we all left finally.


Like almost every morning when I go for breakfast with one or two of the guys, we go to Starbucks sometimes it's too much but I'll just stick with it for this morning.


After an hour of sitting there JC got a call and had to leave, but Taylor and I decided to stay for a bit longer.

We talked and laughed for another two hours before we finally decided to leave. Taylor is a really funny and weird guy witch is something I really love about him. If he wasn't weird I probably wouldn't wanna be friends with him I mean I'm pretty weird myself so it fits.

"Thanks for my frapachino it was nice of you to buy me one" I said when we got to the front of the hotel. Everyone likes to buy me frapachinos now, I guess.

"Oh it's no problem Selena!" He said.

"Soo I wa," I started but was interrupted when Taylor's lips hit mine in a kiss. I pulled away as soon as I could not kissing back, I mean I have a boyfriend now. Taylor kissing me was so unexpected. I mean the other day when he kissed my cheek, he looked so nervous and he just kissed my lips now without a second thought.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Taylor, why did you kiss me? I have a boyfriend" I said.

"Oh I-I'm sorry Selena I thought it would be okay cause of the other day. Um I-I didn't know you had a boyfriend" he apologized fixing his bandana!

"It's okay just please never do that again, for as long as i have a boyfriend" I said.

"Oh why? Am I a bad kisser or something?" He joked, oh so now we're playing.

"Oh yeah ur a terrible kisser blah" I said laughing.

"Oh that's it come here" he said as he started to chase me through the lobby of the hotel and in to the elevator.


"Yes you can come by in an hour if you want" I said quietly to Nash over the phone. I was getting some ice from the ice machine a hallway away from my room.
He agreed right away and hung up.

"Okay bye see you later!" I said and hung up, struggling to actually make the ice machine work.

"Boo!" I heard from behind and it actually made me jump, and I spun around to see Shawn laughing his head off.

"Dammit Shawn you scared me!" I said holding my hand over my heart.

"Sorry" he smiled.

"Whatever!" I said still trying to get the machine to work.

"You look like your having trouble there, need help?" He winked.

"Yes please!" I said and he took the bucket from me, actually making the ice machine work now.

"So you never got back to me last night, how was your date?" Shawn asked winking.

"Well it was amazing, Nash was being so sweet and what he did for our date was just so pretty. He outlined a bridge over a river with candles and put christmas lights all around a big tree. Than we had a picnic under it. I explained.

"Oh and also I didn't get back to you because he slept in my room last night, and is now my boyfriend!" I gushed.

"Boyfriend?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"What about Matt though, I thought you said you were in love with him?" Shawn asked.

"I am in love with him but he has a girlfriend. Having Nash could take me away from what will never happen between me and Matt, and I could fall in love with Nash along the way too" I explained to him. He just smiled that sweet smile.

"Okay Sel what ever you do I'll support it, you're my best friend!" He said.

"Forever!" I added and hugged him.

"Fuck Shawn, I hate you so much!" I said as he poured almost the whole bucket of ice down the back of my shirt.

"Common Sel it was just a joke, we're best friends did you really expect me not to do that" he winked. I kept a straight face.

"More ice please" I said pointing the machine.

"You know since most of it is gone now! And in the back of my shirt" I couldn't help but laugh shaking the rest of it out and on to the floor!

"Best friends" he smiled.

"Forever!" I said taking the bucket of ice away from him and walking away to my room.

Authors note- so in this chapter you got to see the real friendship between Selena and Shawn witch was really fun to write. They will have a lot more BFF moments along the way witch will be really cute. And now Nash and Selena are boyfriend and girlfriend ooooohhhh 😏! Yay finally but they are a secret to everyone witch is the best for them right now! Anyway what did you think of the chapter do you all ship Nash and Selena or are you hoping for her to end up with someone else let me know! Read on.... Also follow Selena on Instagram@_selenagracie

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