Night at the beach

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chapter 29-

"Yah of course I have the stuff, I wouldn't just go across the street to the connivence store to get certain things we need, and come back with nothing idiot" Nash said to Taylor after he asked if he'd brought back the stuff for our s'mores.

It's about 7:30 and we've made a little fire already. The beach water under the sun setting sky just looked so beautiful and relaxing. Like in a movie, like it was just made up that way, but it was real. Things this beautiful are so rare to find.

"Okay pass the bag around so we can all start eating our s'mores" Sam complained. Nash handed him the bag and it traveled around the circle, everyone grabbing two gram crackers, two pieces of chocolate and one big marshmallow.


After an hour everyone had about 3 s'mores each, and we're all talking and laughing about random stuff.

"Yah but it was hilarious" Cameron commented about something he once did, I wasn't really listening.

"I'm freezing, I should've brought a sweater" I complained to Nash who was sitting beside me. Nash just hugged me.

"Getting any warmer?" He questioned.

"Not really" I whined.

"I have an extra sweater if you wanna borrow it?" Matt suggested.

"Really? Thanks Matt" I said.

"No problem, be right back" he said jumping from his spot and going over to a big bag. He came back to me with a large American Eagle sweater in less than three seconds, and dropped it in to my hands.

"Thanks" I said and stood up to put the sweater on, the sweater was a little big for me. The sleeves opened past my hands and the bottom of the sweater reached below the bottoms of my shorts. Suddenly my phone started to ring in the back pockets of my shorts.

"Hey guys I'll be right back, it's my best friend from home" I lied, its actually my mom. As soon as I was far enough away from the group, in the same place Nash an I were before. I answered the phone.

"Hi mom" I answered politely.

"Hi sweetie, how's it going?" She asked sweetly.

"Good on one hand, but not as good on the other" I told her.

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

"Well remember that guy I told you I was in love with? We've been spending so much time together, but he often tells me oh we're JUST FRIENDZZZZ. But on the good hand my boyfriend is still so sweet mom, and he told me that he actually loves me. But than again, I'm not sure if I feel the same way just yet!" I explained to her.

"Oh wow that's a lot of info. If this boy what's his name, Nash right? If he said he loves you and you don't feel the same way, don't play him. But this other boy mark.." She started.

"It's Matt" I corrected her.

"Matt, thinks of you as just friends He's not worth your love and you shouldn't waste ur time with him, doesn't matter if you love him or not. I know it'll be hard but you gotta try" she explained to me.

"Thanks mom love you" I told her.

"Love you too sweetie" she said back.

"Okay call you soon bye mom" I finally said to her and hung up.

"Boo" I jumped and turned around to see a laughing Matt.

"Holy shit Matt you scared the fuck outta me, stop doing that!" I complained and he made his way over closer to me.

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