Chapter 5: Stupid Bitch

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Sophia's pov
I woke up as i heard someone going upstairs, i looked around myself and i realized that Carl is sleeping next to me hugging me, i looked at him and smiled and than suddenly someone knocked on a door.
"Sophia, Carl!" My mum shouted
I immediately jumped on my feet
"Geez, mum you scared me!" I said over the door.
"Come on downstairs, i made breakfast" she said and i heard her footsteps going downstairs.
I took a deep breath, what if she didn't knocked, what if she just came in, this is too risky we should lock the door next time, i don't want them to know that i'm with Carl, they might separate us to different rooms, but we actually don't want to do anything stupid, we just kissed a little and talked and then i fell asleep, but it was just amazing.
"What's going on?" He asked me sleepy
"Nothing, my mum just said we should head downstairs to eat" i said
"Ok so let's go then" he said and got up and started changing his t-shirt
"Carl we need to be more careful next time, if you know what i mean" i said
"Sure, i know" he smiled and kissed me, than we headed downstairs.

Carl's pov
After we ate our breakfast dad asked Sophia to go on a guarding tower and i asked if i can go but he said i should go to the other wall.
So we pick our weapons and headed to the walls.
I shoot couple of walkers and then i heard someone saying "hi" i turned to see who it is and it was Enid.
"Um hi" i said awkwardly
"What's up?" She asked and smiled
"Nothing..." i said and shoot another walker
"Oh i get it, you're mad at me because of that yesterday" she said
"No, no! I'm not mad at you, you helped me in some funny way" i smiled
"What do you mean?" She asked
"Well if you didn't said that you threatened Sophia that you'll take me, i wouldn't recognize that she's jealous and we wouldn't be together" i said
She just made that sad smirk on her face
"So you guys are..." she said
"Together... yes" i smiled
She just turned around and started walking away
"Enid! Wait!" I said
"What?" She said
"Why are you mad?" I asked her and came closer to her
She just looked at me.
"Enid?" I asked and she fast pulled me closer and kissed me and then she run away, i stood there shocked looking at her running and after a couple of minutes i just continued doing my job like nothing happened.

Sophia's pov
I picked my binoculars and looked at Carl cause i was wondering what is he doing, but then i felt rage in myself cause i saw that bitch Enid talking to him, i wonder if he told her that we're together, cause if he didn't i'm gonna be extremely mad at him.
Enid started going and Carl stopped her, why is he stopping her, he came closer to her and suddenly she kissed him and run away, what the fuck?! That bitch! I knew it! Carl is an idiot he just continued shooting walkers, i'll see if he's gonna say something to me about this.
I just continued my job.

Carl's pov
I picked my rifle and started walking back home, i hope Sophia's there too, i missed her, i spent whole day without her.
I'm wondering should i tell her about what happened today with Enid or should i just keep my mouth shut.

Sophia's pov
I'm walking home and i see that bitch Enid standing by the lake so i just started walking to her.
"Hey" i said
"Um hi i guess..." she said
"I just wanted to tell you, i'm with Carl now" i said
"I know" she said
"So he told you?" I asked her
"Yeah he did" she said
"Than why did you kissed him?" I asked
"Oh so you saw our little kiss" she said
"No that's not your little kiss, that's you raping my boyfriend" i said
"So you really think he didn't want that kiss" she said
"Why would he want it?" I asked
"Cause before i "raped him" he said "kiss me"" she said smiling
"Why would he say that?" I smiled sarcastically
"Cause he knew that you could have seen us so he wanted to play it safe and he told me to kiss him, he wanted it to look like i made him do it but actually he wanted it" she said
"So you really think i'm gonna believe you, then why aren't you his girlfriend" i laughed
"I don't know, he just said kiss me, how should i know more of his mind" she smiled
"Just leave us alone, go to your stupid boyfriend" i said and left her
I came home and no one was downstairs, i heard noises from upstairs so i fast went up to the room.
I opened the door and saw Carl punching Ron right in the face and Ron fell on the floor, then he attacked him again and i started shouting "Carl!? What are you doing, get off him?!" I shouted
I started pulling him off Ron and he fell on the floor, Ron's face was all bloody and i asked him "are you alright?!"
He just got up and said "No i'm not alright, ask him for the details, i'm out" and he left.
"What the fuck was that?!" I shouted at him like i wasn't already pissed off about Enid, now he's beating a guy in our room, why do i always have to find some jerk for a boyfriend.
Actually Carl is good for my previous boyfriend Steve, i met him at the forest maybe a year ago, we lived together and we trained together, i really loved him but he was such a jerk, he was so cold, he always shouted at me and he called me some awful names like "bitch" or "slut" for no reason, he literally bullied me, and i just wanted to survive, he said he'd kill me if i leave him.
Then one day he slapped me and that was it, i just grabbed my knife and stabbed him right in his heart, that was it he was dead but i wanted more, so i just kept stabbing him with pleasure,i don't know if i'm a psychopath or whatever but sometimes it calms me down when i kill people or walkers.
So back to my situation right now.
"Carl answer me?!" I shouted as he walked to the bathroom all angry.
"Just don't ask me anything please" he said cold, this is the first time he's cold to me i felt so sad and i wanted to cry.
"No i need to know what happened, tell me!" I shouted again
"Nothing happened, he was just jealous because Enid talked to me today.
"And what did she said?" I asked
"She just said hi" he said
"So did you told her about us?" I asked
"Of course i did" he smiled and i waited for him to tell me about the kiss, i just looked at him.
"What?" He asked
"Nothing..." i said and sit on my bed and tears just started rolling down my cheeks
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He said upset and sit next to me, suddenly he wasn't cold anymore he hugged me and it made me cry more.
"Why didn't you tell me!?" I shouted and pushed him
"What?" He asked
"About the kiss!" I said
He just looked at me and took a deep breath
"Why weren't you honest to me?" I asked him
"I didn't want to make you upset and i didn't want you and Enid to fight, that's all" he said
"Ok, but just so you know in the future we need to tell each other the truth whatever happens ok?" I said
"Ok" he smiled
He reached for a kiss but i just said
"And one more question?"
"Yes what?" He asked
"Did you asked her for a kiss?" I said
"No, oh god no, did she tell you that" he said
"Yeah she did" i said
"What the fuck, ok now i'm officially not talking to this girl anymore" i said
I just kissed him.

*Oh god i didn't recognize how much i make it look like i hate Enid, it's not like that trust me, i just want to make story dramatic😂❤️* - Milica

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