Chapter 6

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I haven't updated in forever!! I'm a terrible person! I'm so sorry!

But wow! 2k reads! That is literally insane! I cannot tell you how much I love you all!

Thank you guys so much for all the support! Because you've been so patient I am going to give you guys a very long chapter!! Yay!

I really hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter.


Hayes POV

Like I said. This girl will be mine. So I had worked out a plan.

Step One: Take Laura on a nice little stroll through Downtown Disney and end the night by flying up in the giant Disney Character Ballon. All by ourselves. I plan on slipping an extra 100 to the balloon operator.

If Step One still doesn't work, well that's where Step 2 comes in.

Step 2: Convince her to go on the scariest ride with you, The Haunted Mansion.

You may not be afraid of it, but I overheard Laura tell Cameron that she has never ridden it because she is to scared.

Then, while she is freaking out comfort her.

If Step 2 doesn't work we have a real problem on our hands...

So then we try step 3.

Step 3: On New Years, kiss her in at midnight. I'll kiss her there and then I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.

If Step 3 still somehow doesn't work, plan B comes into action.

But this is the major backup plan.

The friendzone. Not a place I wanna live...

But we'll just hope for the best.


Laura POV

We got to a Planet Hollywood and it was absolutely incredible.

There were things from Disney movies hanging from the ceiling, loud music playing, just Disney everything.

I am such a Disney freak. I love it all, everything.

From princess movies, to just plain old Disney channel it was just amazing.

We ordered and played games and talked until our food finally got there.

We stuffed our faces and then Alx and Carter fought over the bill.

After Alx paid everyone decided to stay and just hang out around Downtown Disney.

We planned on meeting back at the car by 10.

"Come on Laura!" Hayes said running. I ran after him.

When I finally caught up, I asked breathlessly:

"So what are we doing?"

"Well, it's only 7:30," he replied, "So whatever you wanna do sounds great, but I do have a request."

"And what is that?" I responded.

"That at 9:30 you will let me take you somewhere."

I opened my mouth to ask where he was going to take me but he put his fingers to my lips and told me not to ask any questions.

"Sounds great!" I said. "We have 2 whole hours until then and I think we should kick it off by heading to Goofy's Candy Shop and getting loaded up with sugar."

"Let's do it!" He shouted breaking into a sprint, I ran after him laughing like crazy.

When we reached the candy shop we immediately got to work. We grabbed bags and just loaded them with that pure sugar stuff, we grabbed chocolate, gummy bears, lollipops, just about everything you can imagine. We paid and than sat down to eat them.

After we finished most of the candy it was already 8:15.

We put the rest back in the bag to save for later.

I turned to him. "You pick, where do we go now?"

"Souvenir shop." He said, jumping up and running again.

I just shook my head and chased after him.

The souvenir shop was absolutely incredible too.

All things Disney you could imagine.

It was incredible.

I ended up buying Minnie Mouse ears, a cute little Mickey pillow pet, and a snow globe with Cinderella's castle in the center.

We put our stuff back in the car and Hayes told me to check my watch.


"Time for my surprise!" I said excitedly.

Hayes nodded and said to follow him.

We arrived at the giant ballon.

"Oh my gosh, Hayes. You're taking me on the balloon!" I said.

"Yep!" He said grinning.

"But Hayes the line is too long, it'll take us more than 30 minutes." I said worried.

"I got this. He ran up to the front and whispered something in the operators ear. The operated nodded and announced that the balloon was closed for the rest of the night.

The crowd groaned and started to disappear little by little.

Hayes motioned for me to come to him, so I reluctantly walked up to hate and the operator man.

The operator opened the chain.

"After you madam." Hayes said gesturing for me to go in.

I stepped onto the large platform and gazed up at the large balloon.

Within moments I felt us going up. My arm grabbed Hayes and my grip got tighter the higher we got.

"Are you ok?" Hayes asked me, obviously very concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little scared of heights." I replied.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here." He said rubbing my arm.

We stood there in silence for a moment, just looking at the breathtaking view.

He broke the silence.

"Laura, I brought you up her so I could tell you how I feel." He said turning me around to look him in the eyes.

Oh no.

See my last relationship hadn't gone too well.

My last boyfriend, Nick, he abused me, he hurt me, physically and emotionally. Then he cheated on me.

I haven't trusted anyone since then, besides Brent.

Brent was there for me when I was dating Nick.

He was the only one who I ever told about the abuse.

I would start to cry and he would just hold me, kiss the top of my head, and tell me everything would be ok.

"Laura," Hayes said, snapping me back into reality. "You drive me crazy, you are incredibly stunning and I can't get you out of my head."

He paused before asking the sentence I dreaded hearing.

"Do you like me back?"

"Hayes," I said. "I do I really really do but," I felt myself starting to tear up.

The balloon was coming down now.

"But what Laura," he said with even more concern in his voice since he saw me start to cry. "What is it, please tell me, did I say something?"

I shook my head. The balloon was landing now.

The tears ran down my cheeks as I looked at him and said.

"I'm sorry Hayes I just can't do this."

The operator opened the chain and I stepped down. I ran as tears streamed down my face, pushing my way through the crowd.


Hi guys!! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope it was worth the wait!

I'm sorry that this chapter hardly included any of the other viners! And if you are one of the girlfriends I will out you in later chapters! I promise!

But anyways thank you all so much for reading and voting and supporting me! This fanfic would be nowhere without you all!

I will update soon, most likely tomorrow or Tuesday, until then thank you again!!

Love you all!

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