Chapter 10

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Hey Guys! I thought I would update again today cause I have some really good ideas for later on in the story and I really need to get there!!

Also there will be a second book! Remember how earlier in the book Laura was invited to Magcon, well that will be the premise for the next book!! I'm super excited!!

So enjoy this chapter and I love you all!


Laura POV

The first few days of the break went on like this. Hayes staring at me, me uncomfortably looking away, Cece confronting me about it, then I would go back to my hotel and tell everything to Brent.

Then Christmas came along. We has already been to all the parks except for Magic Kingdom. (We planned to go on Christmas Eve.) So we devoted a whole day to shopping for presents.

So far I had gotten a spongebob tshirt for Curtis, 2 pairs of large sunglasses with a gift card to Starbucks and "Mitt Donald's" for Alex, A teddy best for Brandon, Candy for Taylor, A SnapBack for Carter, more Candy for Cameron, even more candy for Brandon, a Beanie for Matt, and a Vera Bradley Wallet for Cece.

All I had left to do was Brent, Nash, and Hayes.

Right now I was in the mall with Matthew.

"So what does Nash like?" I asked him.

"Sports, Video Games, usual guy stuff." He responded.

"I got it! I'll buy him a basketball!" I said checking him off my list.

"Brent...what to get Brent..." I trailed off.

"I got it! I said pulling out my phone.

I called Alx.

"Hello?" His voice came from the other end.

"Can you drive me a couple places?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure, meet me at the rental car in 10 minutes.

When I got to the car he just asked me:

"Taco Bell. It's not at the mall." I said.

"You got it." He said turning out of the parking lot.

After I purchased a gift card for 50$ for Brent so he could get as many green slushies as he wants I walked back to the car.

"So Hayes told me what happened the other night." Alex said.

"Oh did he?" I responded.

"And he's totally insane." He said.

"I know! I've only known him for 3 days-"

"He's insane about you." He cut me off.

"What?" I said.

"You've only known him for 3 days but all he talks about is you." He said.

"I hardly know him!" I defended.

"Then get to know him!" He yelled back.

I sighed. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Because, Laura, He's crazy about you, you say you hardly know him but you haven't even given him a chance." He said. "Why are you so afraid?"

It was then that I just felt so angry and confused and scared that I just broke down.

"Laura! What's wrong? Did I say something." He said obviously worried about my sudden breakdown.

I sobbed but then once I calmed down enough I told him the whole backstory.

"Oh." He finally said.

"Yeah." I said sniffling.

"So that's why." He once again said.

"Yep." I told him, staring at the line if the empty spots of the Taco Bell parking lot.

"So what are you getting him for Christmas?" He asked me.

"I honestly have no clue." I said shaking my head.

"If it helps, he's been going on about the new Call of Duty: Ghosts, when he's not talking about you." He said.

"Well thanks for the suggestion, but if I buy that, I won't have enough money to buy my family a present and ship it back to them." I said.

"I'll buy it for you." He said.

"You would do that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course." He said. "After that tragic backstory, it's the least I could do."

"Thank you so much." I said leaning over to the driver side to hug him.


So after we drove to Best Buy and bought the game we went back to the mall and picked up everyone else.

"So where have you two been?" Carter asked.

"Maybe out buying presents..maybe not." I said cheekily.

"Suspicious there aren't you Laura." Nash said.

I just smiled and laughed.

When we got back to the hotel I was so tired that I just changed into my pjs and fell right to sleep.


Once again, kind of a filler chapter but I love you guys and thank you for all the reads and votes!!

I see most of you ship Laura/Hayes but keep commenting what you guys think!! Love you all and I will most likely update later today!!

-xoxo Laura

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