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That's Angelina's hair^^

POV Angelina.
"Okay Anthony, you can help me." I said as we got out of the car. "But remember, limited amount only!"

He nodded before walking ahead with Ace and Adam. Leaving me behind with Ash. "I'm so not ready for this." Ashton shook his head. I just chuckled and picked up my pace to get to the elevator in time.

"Okay, first hot topic, forever 21, some other stores and then you can go to VS, alone." Anthony made an entire plan.

"I don't wanna go in there!" I whined.

"Why not? You're a girl." Ash stated the obvious.

"She is awkward." Ace said, leaning against the wall. "It's fine, we'll just ask someone else to do it. You just have to tell your sizes to that person tho. Not us, the person."

"Can we? Can we pleasee?" I pouted at Adam. He sighed but nodded.

We were in hot topic and Anthony was driving me crazy. It started with handing me one shirt, then  another and another and another. So many until you couldn't see me anymore.

"Tony, stop torturing the poor girl." Adam took the pile of clothes from me and made his way to the dressing rooms.

"Do I have to?" I complained while Tony was dragging me towards the small cubicles.

"Yes!" He pushed me into the one where Adam storaged the clothes.


After an eternity of fitting, I finally walked out into the last shirt that was left. It was a black Green Day crop top.

"I do need to get rid of this baby fat first tho." I looked in the mirror.

"Probably." Ace said, glancing up before continuing on his phone

"Ass!" Anthony punched Ace's shoulder.

"Tony!" I slapped the back of his head.

"What did I do?!" He almost yelled.

"Don't punch someone because they were telling the truth." I scolded before strutting back into the fitting room.

"Put these back," I pointed to the left pile, "and this will come with us. Then we can go home." I gestured to the middle one.

"You didn't even fit any jeans?" Ash remembered.

"I wanna work on my thighs first." I explained.

"What about these?" Adam pointed to the right pile.

"I like them, but this is all I can afford." I informed. He gave Ashton a look and Ash picked the stack of clothes up and took them away. Anthony grabbed the clothes I wanted and headed after Ash. "What are you-"

"Just come along." Ace put his hand over my mouth. He guided me to the cashier, hand still clamped over my mouth.


In the end, every guy was carrying six bags. They also refused to let me carry one. Except for Ace, he wanted to give me all his bags. But he got scolded by Ashton. Also, Adam paid for every single clothing item.

Why? 'Because I always wanted a daughter to spoil.'

"We also need some groceries." Adam suddenly stopped walking.

"I can cook, if you guys want to?" I suggested.

"Sure, you can do the groceries while we bring the bags away. We'll wait for you in the car outside the mall." Adam agreed.

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