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POV Angelina.
I was in the shower, thinking back to the things Ace taught me yesterday.

I got out of the shower and changed into black ripped skinny jeans. I did my hair before putting on a red tank top and a black leather jacket. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

It was time to leave and Ace wasn't ready yet. "ACE HURRY UP!" I yelled while slipping on my black converse.

"Yeah yeah." He mumbled while walking down the stairs. He was dressed in jeans, a red shirt with his black leather jacket.

"Is this why you told me to wear this?" I scoffed. We were matching. Only because I let Ace choose my clothes.

"Yup." He popped the 'p'. "It's the first day and we need to make an impression."

"Fine." I huffed and walked towards the stairway. "WE'RE LEAVING!" I shouted. There were a few crashes heard before Adam, Ash and Anthony came stumbling down the stairs.

"Look at our babies, all matchy for school." Ashton pinched mine and Ace's cheeks. Adam sneakily took a picture of us, making me glare at him.

"Stop it!" Adam took him away. "Only I get to do that." He squeezed our cheeks.

When we finally escaped them, we made our way to the basement.

"Let's go." Ace grabbed a key and went towards the vehicles. He hopped on black yamaha. Ace tossed me a plain black helmet after putting one on himself.

"Okay..." I said unsure and hopped on. On instict I wrapped my arms around his waist. I leaned my head on his back as he opened the garage door. The motor came to life before Ace sped out the garage.

Once we arrived at school, we both got off the motor. "I'm so not ready for this." I mumbled.

"As I said before, I won't let them get you." Ace assured me. He gave me a nod and walked inside. I snapped to reality and quickly caught up with him.

We headed to the office to inform them that Ace had arrived. "Hello, I'm Ace. I'm starting here today, I was told to get my schedule here." He talked to the receptionist. I've never heard him talk so formally.

"Aha, there you go." She handed him some papers. "And, good to see you're feeing better, Angelina." I just gave her a simple nod.

We got our books before heading to class. "Math, right?" Ace glanced at me, I looked at him and nodded.

We went to class and Ace knocked on the door. Ms Matthews opened the door. "Why are you late?!" She snapped.

"I'm new here and couldn't find my way. She was nice enough to guide me to the office and this classroom." Ace answered smoothly.

"Get a seat." She let it slide. I walked in after Ace and we sat next to each other in the middle. They were the only two seats left.

"See, everything is fine." He said grabbing his books. Ace started on the assignment on the board. But when his eyes landed on the sum, a frown took over his features.

"Need a hand?" I chuckled. He looked at me desperately with big eyes.

After helping him out, I got my stuff done. We just sat there, looking around. "Which one is Venice?" Ace asked.

"She's not in this class. But two seats to your left, Carly Montreal." I nodded towards her. "Two rows behind me, Nick Ericson." Ace clenched his jaw and nodded.

"We'll see what happens." He said, calming down.

**Lunch time**
At that moment, I felt like breaking down. Venice could be here any moment. She hasn't seen me in days so it's gonna be bad. She probably already heard that I'm back.

Ace and I were sitting outside on a bench. The weather was quite nice so I took off my jacket. Ace noticed and copied my action.

The sound of heels came towards us. 3..2...1 Right on cue Venice stood infront of me.

"Hello Angelina, want to introduce me to your friend?" She faked a smile.

"No thanks." I replied smugly. Normally I wouldn't have done this. But the guys told me to stick up for myself some more.

She glared at me. "Alright then, hey I'm Venice. Most popular girl of the school, also the prettiest." She stuck out her hand.

"Mhm, I don't see it." Ace shrugged.

"Excuse me?!" She gasped offended.

Ace just ignored her, "What do we have after this?" Adam made sure we had all classes together.

"English, why?" I tried my best to contain my laughter. The look on Venice's face was priceless.

"You want to get our books?" He asked. I nodded and stood up. "After you." He gestured and I chuckled before walking ahead.

Once we were inside, I bursted out laughing. "I can't believe you just did that!" I said between giggles.

"Did what?" A voice startled me. We turned around and came face to face with Tyson, Nick and Patrick.

I physically stiffened, Ace noticed and pulled me behind him. "None of you business." Ace snapped at them.

"It is my business, since she's my best friend." Tyson raised an eyebrow.

"You are nothing to me!" I snapped, moving to stand next to Ace. "You abandoned me when I needed you the most!"

"You heard the girl." Ace nodded, he grabbed my hand and gently pulled it. I got the hint and walked with him to the lockers.

"Are you okay?" He asked once we were out of earshot. "Who were they?"

"I'm fine. Tyson, Nick and Patrick." I said shortly before opening my locker and getting my books.

"Tyson as in your old best friend?" He asked shocked. I made a 'mhm' sound and walked towards his locker.

I opened it and got out the right books. "How do you know my combination?" Ace asked ams leaned against the locker on my right.

"I know more than you think." I said.

"That's scary." He said a little creeped out.

"Good!" I smirked before heading to class. Expecting him to follow. Before I could even glance back, he was already next to me.

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