Sneaking out gone wrong.

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POV Angelina.
After we came back, I took a shower and changed into skinny jeans and a sweater. Ace's black sweater.

I laid down on my bed and replayed the memories of tonight. Right after that small talk with the guys, I walked out. Not before taking of my shoes.

I handed them to Tony and went to the beach. Of course Ace accompanied me, but didn't say a word. We walked along the shore, where sunset was taking place. I took a few pictures of Ace watching the sunset in his dress shirt.

It was 1 AM but I couldn't sleep. I was just in bed until I heard tapping. I sat up and saw small rocks on my balcony. I shuffled over and opened the door. Down there were Ailani and Adelynn.

"Check yes Juliet are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk. I won't go until you come outside." Ailani started singing.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I whisper yelled.

"You're going to get the real feeling and sneak out." Lani stated.

"I can't. You know how Ace is." I sighed.

"Paste a paper on the door. But still climb down the balcony." Ailani said.

"I don't agree with this." Addy added. She looked tired as fuck.

"But I don't wanna make him upset at me again." I whined.

"Come down or I'll come up to get you." She threatened,

"Alright hold up." I went back inside and wrote a note. I stuck it on the door. I laced up my shoes and then got on the balcony. "What to do?" I mumbled to myself.

I climbed over the railing and crouched down. My hands held onto the edge as I lowered myself. "What are you doing?!" Adelynn screeched.

"This!" I let go of the edge and dropped to the ground. I landed perfectly in a spider man position.

"You're really good at sneaking out." Ailani nodded her head in satisfaction.
We went to one of those stores that's open 24/7. Both of them bought an ice bucket and looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Lani quirked an eyebrow.

"No thanks." I shook my head slightly. They nodded their head, suspiciousness clear in their eyes.

"Let's go to the playground." Adelynn ran towards the slide. I sat down on the swing as Lani joined me.
We were walking back towards my house beside the road. Suddenly a black van pulled up next to us. Four men jumped out and grabbed me. They taped my mouth and tied my arms up.

Two other held Addy and Lani. I got pushed inside the van. They started to drive away. I was looking around frantically, hoping the girls were okay.

POV Adam.
I was in my office. The guys were gaming. The time was 2.30 AM. Suddenly there was violent banging on the front door.

"What the hell?!" I cursed getting up. I saw Ace and Ashton coming out of their rooms also. Ace also brought his gun along.

"Oh please be normal for once." I groaned and tossed him a baseball bat.

"Yeah like that's normal." Ashton scoffed. "Just go already."

Ash opened the door as Ace held the bat ready. "Lani?" He said confused as soon as he caught a glimpse of the person.

I poked my head around the door confused. There they stood, panting and crying. "They... Lina... Van." Adelynn panted.

That was enough for Ace storm up the stairs. He came back within seconds with a small paper and her phone. "Guys, I snuck out. Don't worry I'm with Ailani and Adelynn." He read out loud.

"She snuck out!?!" Asthon yelled suprised as he brought the girls to the living room.

"Care to explain?" Ace said as calm as possible.

"We were outside her window singing Check Yes Juliet and convinced her to sneak out with us." Adelynn answered in a small voice.

"YOU WHAT?!" Ace yelled in disbelief. Anthony, Adrian, Arthur and Alec came down the stairs, a confused look on their faces.

"Lani wanted to give her the feeling that she is normal. By doing things other teens do as well." Adelynn said looking at her friend.

"What the fuck is going on?" Anthony asked when he saw the girls. They just woke up, I guess.

"Why did she even do it?" Ash ran a hand through his hair.

"Lina didn't want to." Adelynn stood up taking the word. "She didn't want to upset Ace."

"Well she did, so where is she?" Ace snapped.

"That's the problem." Adelynn said and Tony went beside her. Ashton sat next to Ailani.

"For your own sake, tell me you're kidding." Arthur chuckled nervously as we watched Adelynn intensly.

She shook her head, Arthur and Adrian stood next to Ace. Alec went to join Adelynn, on the opposite side of Anthony.

We watched Ace's jaw clench and his knuckles turning white. "Where. Is. She?" He said in a slow and deep voice.

"She got kidnapped." Adelynn answered. "By these guys from a black van."

"WHAT!" Ace exploded and threw over the dinner table, that happened to be made of glass. He went for Adelynn but Adrian and Arthur grabbed him. Anthony pushed her behind himself.

"Lock him in!" I yelled. Ash and Tony stayed with the girls while the others and I dragged Ace away.

He was screaming and cursing in every language possible. And believe me, he knew a lot of languages. We got him to the room after a lot of struggling.

I opened the steel door and the others threw him in. We quickly sealed the steel door, locking it. We didn't want to do this but this was for his and our safety.

We heard him punching the walls ans screaming. Luckily the was were covered with a special pillow like thing.

"We'll probably leave him there for an hour." I said as we walked back into the living room.

"Isn't that too long?" Addy asked concerned.

"Nah, he's been in there for two days once." Anthony assured her.

"Why do you even have a room like that?" She was a curious one.

"Ace got once mad like this and trashed two bedrooms and my office." I remembered.

POV Ace.

After a while I collapsed on the floor, all kinds of questions were running through my mind. But the most important one was.

Is she okay?

I tried to get myself together. C'mon I need to get over myself and find her. I think I was in here for thirty minutes.

I made some rules for myself. Well the second one is for the guys only.

1. Don't scare the girls.

2. No hurting people.

3. Find my Angel.

"I'm okay now." I banged on the door. The peep thingy opened and Ash's blue eyes.

"You sure?" He eyed me.

"Yes now let me out, dimwit." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah fine." He shrugged and unlocked the door. "You've never been so fast."

"I know, I just want to find Angel as soon as possible."

I got out and we started to think of a plan.

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