New year.

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POV Angelina.

"Adam don't you run out of money?" I asked confused, since no one in the house had a job.

"Not really," He shrugged. "I get bored a lot though."

"I kind of had a job, but someone had to kidnap me." She quirked an eyesbrow.

"You were a cook." Adam rolled his eyes, as he flipped through the channels.

"Well, I happen to love cooking." She glared.

"Open up a cafe." Ashton suggested.

"That's a great idea!" I chirped.

"Where am I supposed to open a cafe?" Adam groaned.

"Right here." Anthony swiped over his IPad, making it appear on the tv screen.

"Wha-" I cut Adam off.

"Adrianna could be our cook, me and the girls will be the waitresses." I started fangirling over the idea.

"I'll be the one that handless the business contracts." Tony said.

"Arthur will help as cook, Adrian and the girls will do the design." Adrianna squealed.

"We just need you to pay." Anthony smiled, making Adam raise his eyebrows.

"Of course you can help out as well." I covered quickly.

"Alright, go and buy that place." He replied. "Take this, pick up the girls and Adrian."

"What are we supposed to do?" I frowned, taking the card.

"Buy stuff for the design." Ashton said in a duh tone.





It's been five days since we bought the place. Everything has been set up. Thanks to the guys, who basically carried everything.

"It's done." Adrianna said excited.

"All of it A-class." Ace grinned.

"Just like us!" I smiled, since all of our names start with the A.

"A-class, I like the sound of that." Adam smiled while nodding.




"Let's go!" I yelled. It was new year's eve and we were going go watch the fireworks.

"Calm down!" Adelynn said.

"No! There will be no calming down!" I screeched.

"It's fifteen minutes till new year and we need to get there!" Ailani growled.

"We'll be going!" Adelynn yelled. "The other two are about to get wild."

She dragged us out of the door, towards the park. It took us five minutes to get there, I turned back and saw the guys behind us.

"So, Lani?" I called, she made a 'mhm' sound. "You gonna kiss Ash at midnight?"

"Huh?!" Her eyes almost bulged out of her skull. "What?! Why should-"

"Oh cut the crap Lani!" Ace groaned as he appeared next to me.

"We all know you're crushing on him." Addy chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." She replied nervously.

"Well you got five minutes to decide." I shrugged.

"Those girls would be glad to take your place." Anthony grimaced.

"Where did you come from?!" She shrieked. "Doesn't matter, I'm not doing it!"

"You just watch." I said mischievously when I saw Ash glancing at her.

"You got two minutes." Ace checked his phone for the time. I peeked over and saw his wallpaper. It was taken from behind, when Ace and I were making Christmas cookies. "Cute, isn't it?" He chuckled, noticing my stare.

"Yeah..." I answered. "Send me that." He took his phone out again and selected the pictures.

"Thanks." I smiled, saving them in my gallery.

"Angel?" Ace called me. I looked up to see him, only a few inches away.

I stood just stood there, frozen. Fireworks went off all around us, yet I only had eyes for him.

Soft, dark locks.
His mesmerizing eyes.
Sharp jawline.
Plump lips.

"Happy new year." He whispered. I didn't reply, I kept staring at him instead.

Ace leaned closer, brushing his lips over mine. I closed my eyes as electricity went down my body. Noticing my reaction, he finally pressed his lips to mine.

My first kiss...

Whooping was heard from the guys. Ace put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. Causing me to rest my hands on his shoulders.

We pulled apart after a few minutes. The guys started slapping Ace on the back, in a congratulating way. He just shook his head with a smile and focused on me instead.

I chuckled as the girls started squealing and jumping around us. Shyly buring my face in Ace's neck when they started saying that it took us long enough. Causing him to laugh.

I pulled back and saw that they had quieted down. "Ah fuck it!" Ashton growled before forcing his lips on Ailani's.

Everyone started cheering again, Ace smiled and shielded my eyes. "You're too innocent to see this."

I rolled my eyes, a small smile dancing on my lips. After a few seconds, my eyes we uncovered and I looked up to the fireworks.

"Two down, one to go." Adrian smirked. I grinned back and turned my back to Ace.

"That isn't nice." He whined, wrapping his arms around my waist. Dragging me to him, I leaned my back against his chest.

"Who said I'm nice?" I teased.

"I did." Ashton raised his hand.

"Don't ruin their moment." Ailani scolded. Ash pouted as she turned away from him. I smiled to myself, knowing that Ashton is in good hands.

I'm so glad I met all of them. Even with the fights and arguments, we still stick together.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Ace kissed my hair.

"I'm happy." I answered.

"If you are, then so am I." He said cheekily.

I looked up, facing his chin. Placing a kiss on the bottom of his jawline. Making him glace down at me.

I just smiled, he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

I'm really happy.

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