Chapter Twenty One: Breakdowns

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Valentine's Day was great. After a huge breakfast that Reed's mom made, he and I gradually made our way back to campus, stopping first at the movies, which, to be honest, we really didn't see much of. Then he took me to this really nice restaurant for dinner before getting back and having the most amazing sex.

But unfortunately, reality calls and it was Monday again, and I had work to get to.

I was just finishing up packing what I needed into my backpack when there was a light knock on my open door. I spun around to see Kevin standing there.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Just wanted to let you know that I have someone coming this afternoon, if you're going to be around."

I shook my head sadly. "I'll be working. But, if you want, you can just mention the fact that I'm gay to them. If he looks weirded out in any way, he doesn't get invited back to actually meet me."

He cracked a smile. "Or if the kid is creepy as fuck, then he won't be coming back either."

I laughed. "Well, good luck with the tour and all. I'll probably be back tonight, maybe earlier if I don't go by Reed's. I'll let you know."

Returning my attention to my backpack, I double checked to make sure I had everything I needed before grabbing my phone off my bed and sticking it into my pocket. Then, after getting told to have fun at work and a warning to practice safe sex from Kevin, I was heading off.

I was in such a good mood today. I didn't think anything could bring me down.

"Quincy, I'm glad you're here," my manager, Michelle, said as soon as I walked through the door. "Can I talk to you for a second in my office, please?"

I wasn't too worried - she was probably going to ask me about this weekend, probably going to tell me not to have Reed take off for me again. So maybe I should have called and confirmed it, but I forgot. That's probably all this was, no big deal.

"So, do you remember the customer that was punched on these premises last weekend?" she asked as soon as we were alone in her office and the door had been closed behind me.

Uh oh. My mood started to go down a bit. I thought we were done with that guy. "Yeah? What about him?"

Michelle looked uneasy. "He's threatening to sue the entire establishment. Unless we fire you."

There it goes - good mood gone.

I felt my blood boil. This wasn't fair. I was going to lose my job, which I love so much, because of some guy's opinion of who I like and a boyfriend who happened to overhear and may or may not have some anger issues to deal with?

Something inside me snapped. "He's no right to sue this place!" I exclaimed. "The guy should've just sued Reed! So what if he's my boyfriend? He needs to know that his actions have consequences, and this is why you just don't go around punchin' people for just statin' their opinion. Or at least sue me! I know the rules, yet I let Reed kiss me like that while I was on duty. An' anyways, I don't see why that guy is goin' through with all this! Why? Because I'm gay? So what? I wasn't tryin' to force myself on him! I have a boyfriend, who I love very much. I also love this job, and losin' it for something so minor like being gay, which ya'll knew since the day I started here? It's just not right."

"I know, Quincy," Michelle said softly. "And I hate that I even need to have this conversation with you. Maybe once this whole thing blows over, I can offer you your job back. But until then..."

"Till then I don't work here." I blinked back the tears, my anger suddenly turning into saddness. I wasn't going to cry, no matter how broken I felt right now. Not here, at least. "What about my shift today?"

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